Description With program RFFMINTCALC>, you can calculate dunning interest orpenalty surchares for receivables already cleared taking into accountthe Customizing settings for dunning procedure in FI and theenhanncements of the dunning program in IS-PS. You use this program to calculate dunning interest amounts that occurredbetween the last dunning run and the clearing of open items. When executing the program, no dunning run is executed in the true senseof the word as the program only takes cleared items into account anddoes not generate any dunning management data. Dunning level increasesof item do also not take place. If you start the program in the test run, you can display which dunninginterest was posted. An update only takes place in the real run.Selection of documents All clearing documents from the clearing date entered are selected thatmatch the selection criteria for company codes and customers. Note:> SAP delivers the BTE event '00103015' which you can use to excludeclearing documents from interest calculation. For information of thefunctions of Business Transaction Events, seeBTE>.Calculating Dunning Interest The interest of the cleared items are calculated subsequently for eachclearing document by a fixed end date. This end date is set for eachclearing document on the newest due date that occurs in the clearingdocuments. However, if the clearing date is older than the set due date,the clearing date is set as the end date. If you want to set a different date for the end of the interestcalculation, you can override the date usingBTE event> '00103010'. You might want to dothis if a tolerance should be included in accordance with the incomingpayment (for example, by check). The interest is calculated depending on the dunning procedure(public-law procedure: started month, private-law procedure : days) forthe entire period analog to the dunning program. The difference betweenthe dunning interest that already exists and the newly calculateddunning interest is formed. If this difference is above the lowestamount defined in the Customizing of the dunning procedure, thecalculated difference is updated in the update run.Restrictions It is not possible to calculate dunning interest if
- Documents with a dunning block are included in a clearing document
- Documents with a different dunning procedure are grouped together in one
clearing document