Programme SAP RFFMHR01 - Generating Budget Elements from BS Elements for Several Funds

You can use program RFFMHR01 to generate HR budget objects inPosition Management for one or more funds.
Taking the FM area and fiscal year you enter, the program selects thebudget structure elements(BS elements) relevant for Position Management in respect of each fundaffected and generates corresponding budget objects in PositionManagement.
You cannot select individual BS elements.
To run the program, choose Master data -> Allocations -> HR Fundsand Position Management -> Generate budget objects per fund.


  • Integration between Funds Management and Position Management must be
  • active.
    • The BS elements relevant to Position Management must be flagged as
    • either budget objects orposting objects.
      • The commitment items relevant to Position Management must be
      • expenditure items with itemcategory 3 and financialtransaction 30. In addition, you must flag the commitment items asHR items by specifying HR budget object types in their master records.

        The program produces a list, enumerating all funds for which HR budgetobjects have been generated successfully.
        If errors have occurred, error messages are listed for the fundsaffected.