Programme SAP RFFMGRIRAN - Goods and Invoice Receipt Analysis in Funds Management

This program analyzes goods receipt (GR) and invoice receipt (IR)postings in Funds Management (FM). It determines whether the existing FMentries for the GR and IR documents for a particular purchase order (PO)document or a particular service entry sheet (SES) document are corrector not.
The program displays the analysis results in the form of NEW andORIGINAL entries. NEW entries are those, which should have been posted.ORIGINAL entries are those which have previously been posted in thesystem. In other words, NEW entries are the results of a currentsimulation, ORIGINAL entries are existing entries in FM.
You can obtain a summarized list of POs, PO line items, and SESdocuments by clicking the button called PO / SES List. Once you haveconfirmed the results of the analyses, you can then repair the incorrectFM postings using standard tools or utilities delivered by SAP.
NOTE: The program may experience a performance issue since it has toanalyze every GR and IR document in the PO history in a chronologicalorder.

The program uses the PO documents and line items entered on theselection screen to determine the PO history. The PO history may includeGR documents, GR cancellation documents, IR documents, IR cancellationor credit memo documents, and GR/IR clearing documents generated bytransaction MR11. All these PO history documents are sorted inchronological order to retain the sequence in which they were originallycreated.
If a PO line item has a service item category, the program then pulls inall SES documents for the line item.
Next, for each document in the PO history, the program obtains itsFinancial Accounting (FI) document information from database tables BKPFand BSEG. It uses this FI information to simulate the FM posting, whichin effect produces the NEW entries in the result listing.
Next, the program reads in the existing FM data either using the PO orthe SES document. From this, it can determine the ORIGINAL entries.
Then, it determines whether the NEW and ORIGINAL entries match bycalculating the delta between them. A delta is defined as a differencebetween the NEW entries and the ORIGINAL entries. When calculating thedelta, the program disregards certain fields such as the following:

  • Level number (FMIFIIT-STUNR)

  • Year of cash effectivity (FMIFIIT-GNJHR)

  • Year-end closing status (FMIFIIT-CFSTAT)

  • Saved year-end closing status (FMIFIIT-CFSTATSV)

  • Year-end closing number of carryforwards (FMIFIIT-CFCNT)

  • Carryforward level (FMIFIIT-CFLEV)

  • Item text (FMIFIIT-SGTXT)

  • Transaction number (FMIFIIT-TRANR)

  • Customer field (FMIFIIT-USERDIM)

  • Payment status (FMIFIIT-PAYFLG)

  • Posting day (FMIFIIT-PSOBT)

  • If a delta exists, the delta is appended to an internal buffer to beused in the next delta calculation for the next GR/IR document in the POhistory. This is because, per a PO line item or SES document, the FMposting of a document in the history depends on what has already beenposted.
    Since the program does not update the actual underlying database tableFMIFIIT, it simulates this effect by means of the internal buffer.

    You are using the FM module in your system. You turned on the "Goodsreceipt" checkbox and "Invoice receipt" checkbox on your PO line item.


    Overview: Newly Derived and Originally Existing FMIFIIT FM EntriesScreen
    The program produces output in the form of two ALV grid displays. Thefirst ALV grid screen shows the NEW and ORIGINAL entries sorted first bythe PO or SES document numbers and next the transaction numbers (fieldFMIFIIT-TRANR). Within each group of entries with a distinct TRANRnumber, the NEW entries are highlighted in gray-blue and the ORIGINALentries are highlighted in red.
    With a single-click on the document numbers you can enter the originaldocuments..
    Sometimes it could be the case that a GR or IR document that waspreviously posted in the system was not posted into FM at all. In thiscase, there are no ORIGINAL entries. The results screen then shows onlythe NEW entries for this posting with a 16-digit TRANR number thatbegins with a number '9'. This is an artificial number the program usesonly for the purpose of displaying the results and separating them fromother groups of TRANRs. Therefore, it is important to note that this maynot be the TRANR that will be posted in FM by some repair utilities. Inaddition, in such cases, both the FM document number (FMIFIIT-FMBELNR)and FM document line item (FMIFIIT-FMBUZEI) are left blank on theresults screen.
    The following FMIFIIT fields are not displayed on this screen:

    • MANDT: Client

    • STUNR: Number that clearly identifies the line key in database

    • GNJHR: Year of cash effectivity

    • CFSTAT: Year-end closing: Status

    • CFSTATSV: Saved year-end closing status

    • CFCNT: Year-end closing: Number of carryforwards

    • CFLEV: Carryforward level

    • SGTXT: Item Text

    • USERDIM: Customer Field for FM Actual and Commitment Data

    • PAYFLG: Payment status of FM documents

    • PSOBT: Posting day
    • Purchase Order and Service Entry Sheet Listing Screen
      You get to this screen by clicking the button "PO / SES List" on thetoolbar. It shows a summarized ALV grid of PO documents, line itemnumbers, SES documents, and predecessor account assignment number(FMIFIIT-VRFKNT). You may extract this list and use it to make entrieson a selection screen of a repair utility.

      Output Results for Background Jobs
      If you run the program in the background (menu option Program >>Execute in background), the output results are displayed using ALVlists, instead of ALV grids, and stored in the spool, which can then beviewed using transaction SM37. The two result listings discussed aboveappear on the same results screen.

1225946FM_DLFI: Enable purchase order selection
1226425How to reconstruct FM documents from FI based on PO item
1030490RFFMGRIRAN: GR and IR analysis in Funds Management