Programme SAP RFFMFYCVA - Closing Operations: Execute Value Adjustments for Document Chains

You can use this program to set the open amounts ofearmarked funds for an FMarea and fiscal year to zero.

The program adjusts the amounts of earmarked funds (funds reservations,funds precommitments and funds commitments) in accordance with theselected Amount adjustment type. If thefield Amount adjustment only with Value AdjustmentDocuments is selected, value adjustment documents are generated.


  • You can restrict the items to document level by selecting the desired
  • value categories and the selection of these documents by entering adocument number or interval. Note that FI documents are only flagged ascomplete a document number, company code and FI fiscal year arespecified.
    • You can restrict the items even further by specifying FM account
    • assignments (for example, fund, funds center, commitment item,functional area).
      • You can restrict the FM account assignments using multiple selection.
      • Multiple selection is useful because you can limit the selection ofitems according to attributes of the account assignment elements; forexample you can select the fund by fund category or fund status, or thecommitment item by commitment item category or financial transaction. Alist appears to match the restrictions you chose where you can restrictthe FM account assignments even further.
        In addition to this, you can create a variant for multiple selection andthereby run the program in theBackground.
        • If you use the period-based encumbrance tracking, you can define the
        • Funds Management Posting Date and (special)Period in which the amount adjustment is update inFunds Management. If you use the budgetary ledger, you can also definethe document date used in it.
          You can control the process flow and output of the program as follows:
          • You can define the Amount adjustment type
          • that controls how the amounts of the document items are adjusted in thechains.
            • Test run

            • Process with Dialog

            • The document chains are listed in this mode and you can selectindividual chains for processing.
              In Process with Dialog the program issues alist of the original document items for each chain that the chainsrepresent and you can process as follows:
              • To change the amount adjustment type of selected chains, select the
              • chains and choose Change Adjustment Type.
                • To trigger the processing of a chain, you select the chain and choose
                • Execute Adjustments.
                  • By double-clicking on a chain you can branch to the individual line
                  • items of the chain.
                    • By double-clicking on an item you can branch to the document display.
                    • Standard_variants
                      If you always want to adjust values in a special period to control theeffect of the value adjustments on the availability control for example,it is advisable to use a customer-specific transaction variant.

                      The amount adjustments and value adjustment documents are updated in thedatabase.