Programme SAP RFFMFPCPY - Copy Assignment of Commitment Items to Revenue Type

You use this program when structural and grouping changes are made tothe fiscal year change for your organization and need to reassign theexisting revenue types to commitment items accordingly because of this.
So as to carry out the assignment as quickly as possible, the programevaluates the derivation strategy for reassignment and carries out theasssignments in a mass run.

The program must be run before planning for the following year can takeplace and should be executed after the master data has been copied.


  • To be able to execute the program, you must have authorization to
  • maintain the Customizing settings.
    • The change to the affected commitment items is defined as the derivation
    • strategy in IMG activity Define DerivationStrategy for Reassignment.

      The commitment items assigned to the revenue types are reassignedaccording to the derivation strategy for the reassignment. You have setthe indicator Only Add Existing Commitment Items for the programrun, the assignments are only set for commitment items that exist in thetarget fiscal year.
      The program executes the changes in the Customizing table PS007 that isbased on IMG activity Assign Revenue Type toCommitment Item. The assignment of revenue type to commitment item issaved with the new fiscal year variant. The relevant fiscal yearvariants are derived from the source or target fiscal year that you haveentered on the selection screen. Entries that already exist in the newfiscal year variant are overwritten with the program run.

      Enter a quantity of company code variants, revenue types and source/target fiscal year on the selection screen. You can also choose whetherthe program should first be carried out in a test run.

      The program issues a log listing which assignments could be convertedand which could not. Assignments that could not be converted - forexample because a commitment item is not valid in the new fiscal year -are displayed in red.

      This program does not generate any transport requests. If you want torun the program in the test system, remember to transport the changedentries to the production system.

573130Patch 10 des IS-PS Release 4.62: Übersicht Entwicklungen