Programme SAP RFFMFMMD_SETGEN - Generate Substring Groups

This report is used to generate sets ofsubstrings of one or moreaccount assignment elements defined in your FM master data.
The terms "set" and "group" are used interchangeably.
These substrings have to be created in Customizing using the structureinto which you want to break down the substrings. Each part of thesubstring should have a meaning of its own. See the example below forfurther information.
After the set generation, you can use theReport Writer to report onthese sets. For further information see the Report Writer / ReportPainter transaction GRR2, report group 4FM.

The substring group display transactions involved in set creation are:
Transaction,,Used in
FM_CISUB_SET3,,Sets for commitment items
FM_FDSUB_SET3,,Sets for funds
FM_FCSUB_SET3,,Sets for funds centers
FM_FNSUB_SET3,,Sets for functional areas

In the IMG activity Create and DefineSubdivision ID, you must create the necessary subdivision IDs for theaccount assignment elements you are using, and then subdivide eachaccount assignment element into individual substrings.
You can then further break down each of these substrings into so-calledpartial lengths by going to the Detail screen. This is aprerequisite for generating the sets.
Depending on the account assignment element you want to createsubstrings for, you must also maintain the corresponding alphanumericsubstring values/texts in the following transactions for editingsubstrings:
FRCISUB1 to 5,,Substring values for commitment items
FRFCSUB1 to 3,,Substring values for funds centers
FRFDSUB1 to 2,,Substring values for funds
FRFNSUB1 to 3,,Substring values for functional areas

Call transaction FMMD_SETGEN and select the account assignment elementsand substrings for which you have created subdivision IDs and substringsin Customizing.
Click on Execute or press F8 to run the set generation.

The output screen contains the set names and descriptive texts generatedby the report.

In this example, a public sector organization wants to create asubstring structure according to departments and functions. For theupper levels, the following applies:

  • The departments have the partial length1 with 2 characters.

  • The functions have the partial length 2 with 4 characters.

  • This means that the report will break down the substring data first intothe first 2 characters, and then into the first 4 characters. So in thisexample the first two characters stand for the department:
    • 12 = Security department

    • 13 = Education department

    • 14 = Health department

    • The first four characters stand for the function within thedepartment:
      • 1232 = Administration

      • 1234 = Police

      • 1348 = Public schools

      • 1349 = Universities

      • 1404 = Public hospitals

      • 1455 = Vaccination offices

      • After running the set generation, the following sets are generated:
        Substring set,,,,Department
        S12,,,,Security department
        ,,,,Interval: 1200 - 12ZZ (includes all departments starting with "12")
        S13,,,,Education department
        ,,,,Interval: 1300 - 13ZZ (includes all departments starting with "13")
        S14,,,,Health department
        ,,,,Interval: 1400 - 14ZZ (includes all departments starting with "14").
        Furthermore, a set is generated at the top level, which contains thelower-level sets.