Programme SAP RFFMFK02 - Assign Commitment Items to G/L Accounts

Alphabetical List of Assignments of Commitment Item to G/L Account

This program generates an alphanumerically sorted list of assignmentsof commitment items to G/L accounts. The assignments that were made forthe requests are not displayed here however.

You are able to display master data records for selected G/L accountsor commitment items from the list issued.

Scope of Function
You can select three different modes of processing and combinationswhich differ by the extent of the assignment:
G/L account with commitment item: Only those G/L accounts that wereassigned to a commitment item appear in the list issued.
G/L accounts without commitment item: Only those G/L accounts that werenot assigned to a commitment item appear in the list issued.
Commitment item without G/L account: Only those commitment items thatwere not assigned to a G/L account appear in the list issued.
You can combine the individual processing possibilities and in doing soextend the amount of selected master data records.
You should limit the selection as much as possible to improveperformance.
You can save every combination of selection parameters which you needoften as a variant and then later call them up directly.