Programme SAP RFFMFG_UNFILLED_ORDERS - Year-End Closing Operations: Update Sales Orders

A reimbursable agreement is a planning document between a FederalGovernment agency and another entity, where the delivering agencysupplies goods or services to the other entity whom it may then bill forthe costs.
Like purchase orders, sales orders should be monitored throughout theyear, especially at year-end, and updated based on obligations,expenses, billings, and so on. Based on the stage of the internal fundand the sales order ending date, the sales order will be reduced or willhave excess values transferred to new lines.
This program is part of year-end processing, but can be run at any othertime if needed. It is designed to process Sales and Distribution (SD)orders relating to reimbursable agreements and its function is to updatesales orders (unfilled orders).
In addition, budget values must be updated and any down payments must beupdated or returned.
The link between the customer order and the obligations is provided bythe funded program.
The program can be used in the following scenarios:

  • Project closing

  • If the overall project is ever terminated or closed, any excess funding(unfilled orders) from the customer must be returned.
    • Periodic closing (fiscal year end)

    • Due to limited availability of Federal funding (annual funds, multi-yearfunds, and so on), closing actions are associated when the fund expires.The options are:
      Closing when agency (provider) funds expire (based on fund master data).
      Closing when the customer's funds expire (based on the Sales OrderContract End Date).

      The program processes the documents corresponding to the reimbursableorders with reference to the selection criteria.
      The status of the Fund is checked using the Check Date (Fund/Contract)on the selection criteria. If the internal Federal fund expires theprogram reads the customer order line item, finds the obligation amount,and reduces the sales order line items for expiring funds to theobligated amount. If there is no obligation against the customer order,the amount is reduced to zero. In addition, if the customer's fund doesnot expire, the program creates a new line item(s) with the excess valuefrom the reduced line(s).
      The status of the internal Fund and the external customer's fund will bechecked using the Check Date (Fund/Contract) on the selection criteria.
      Every reimbursable agreement should have has its own WBS/funded program.In other words, one WBS/funded program should not be used in multipleSales Orders. If several reimbursable agreements share a WBS/fundedprogram, this program retrieves all the orders in question, even thoughthe selection criteria could may have just one reimbursable agreement.
      To accommodate end-of-year processing and to update Funds Management(FM) in two different fiscal years, the program can use differentposting date and document date when reducing the line item on theexpiring fund and when creating a new line item in the new year.Configuration (FM Derivation based on validity dates) is necessary inorder to use a different account assignment when creating the new line.


      • Company Code

      • Sales Order (From - To)

      • Sales Order Document Type (From - To)

      • Contract Start Date (From - To)

      • Contract End Date (From - To)

      • Fund (From - To)

      • Fund Status (Unexpired, Expired, Cancelled, All Status)

      • Date to check fund and contract status

      • Funded program (From - To)

      • Posting Date for Lines Reduced

      • Posting Period for Lines Reduced
        Document Date for Lines Reduced
        Posting Date for Lines Generated
        Posting Period for Lines Generated
        Document Date for Lines Generated
        • Test Mode flag

        • The program can be run in test mode or production mode. In test mode,all the reductions are simulated. On the other hand, production mode hasa "Save" button. When you use this, the reductions are recorded to thedatabase.

          If you run the program in production mode, you have two extra columnsyou do not see when you run it in test mode. These two columns are openfor you to enter values and change the way the report calculates thevalue to be returned. These two columns are as follows:

          • New Order Quantity

          • Allows you to change the original order Quantity but it will not affectthe value to be returned.
            • Additional Obligation Amount

            • Any amount entered in this field/column increases the overall obligationamount of the sales order line item (Obligation = Obligation +Additional Obligation Amount). You could use this field if, when you runthe program, you are still expecting some other purchase orders, vendorinvoices, or any other expense against the reimbursable order and youwant to include it in your run.


              Define Reimbursable Orders
              IMG: Public Sector Management -> Functions for US Federal Government ->Integration -> Sales and Distribution -> Reimbursable Orders -> DefineReimbursable Orders