Programme SAP RFFMFG_SS03 - Payment Statistical Sampling - Invoice Status Report

Payment Certification Invoice Status Report

This program generates payment certification invoice status reports inthe following different versions:

  • Blocked invoices list

  • A report of vendor invoices that had been blocked and ready to bebatched.
    • A list of batched invoices

    • Certified invoice list, containing all the invoices that have passed
    • the payment certification process.
      • Rejected invoices

      • All invoices that have failed payment certification.

        The selection screen includes the following sections:

        • Vendor information

        • Enter the company code (required entry) and vendor(s) desired.
          • Invoice information

          • Enter the invoice document number(s), fiscal year, document type, entrydate and time, and so on.
            • Invoice Status Report

            • Choose which of the available options you want to run this time.