Programme SAP RFFMFG_SS01 - Payment Statistical Sampling - Invoice Batching Process

Payment Certification Sampling Batch Procedure

The purpose of this program is to generate a list of invoice documentsthat allows the accounts payable (AP) clerk to gather the invoicesassociated with documents and forward them to his or her supervisor forapproval and certification. A batch number is generated for thegathered invoice documents and is tracked throughout the whole paymentsampling process.
After running the report, you may sort it, change filters, change thefield display, create and save variants. You may also drill down tooriginals document using hotspots.
The list is interactive only if the AP clerk entered in the selectioncriteria is the same as the logon user; if it is not, the reportappears in display mode only.


The selection screen for this program has the following sections:

  • Vendor information section

  • The selection criteria here include the company code and vendor name.
    • Invoice information section

    • The selection criteria here include the document number for theinvoice, fiscal year, document type, document entry date and time, andthe name of the AP clerk.