Programme SAP RFFMFG_SO_HISTORY - Sales Order History

The purpose of this report is to show the sales order (SO) history. Thedetails are displayed from different reporting areas: Proprietary,Budgetary, and Funds Management (FM) view.
Information for the FM view is collected from the FM tables FMIOI,FMIFIIT and FMIA. Information for the Proprietary and Budgetary views iscollected from the table FMUSFGA.
This is an ABAP report using the ABAP List Viewer (ALV) tool. Layoutmanagement functionality is used in this report. This means you can use,save, and modify layouts.
You can also drill down to the reference document and FI document.

Field Movements
The budgetary view in the purchase order history report does not work ifthe commitment item string is not passed to the budgetary ledger.
Database Index Table
For performance reasons, we recommend that you create a Z Index(non-unique) as follows:
In tables FMIOI and FMIFIIT, using the field MEASURE
In table FMIA, using the field RMEASURE

The selection screen offers selection criteria for sales documentnumbers and sales document items.
Note that documents can be created without reference to an SO.The report displays such documents as "Unassigned" documents at thebottom of the report.
The report shows the proprietary, budgetary, or FM view, as selected.
be chosen to determine the list format.

We deliver the following standard variants:

  • Layout 1SUBTOT_ACCT - Sorting and subtotals by Sales Order document and
  • account (proprietary and budgetary view)
    • Layout 1SUBTOT_VALT - Sorting and subtotals by Sales Order document and
    • value type (FM view)