Programme SAP RFFMFG_SF108_REV - SF1081 / SF1080 Confirmation Reversal

Program RFFMFG_SF108_REV can be used to reverse a 'confirmed' document.
After an SF1080 / SF1081 document has been confirmed via transactionFMFG_SF108_CONFRM, the funds have moved to the main cash account. Ifthe underlying invoice is incorrect, then a full reversal may berequired. Program RFFMFG_SF108_REV provides the user with two options :
Option (1):
Reverse and reset the 'clearing' / 'cashing' document and delete thevalue in the 'encashment' date field and in the 'paid' field.
Reverse and reset the 'clearing' / 'cashing' document and delete thevalue in the 'encashment'
Date field and in the 'paid' field.
Option (2):
Reverse and reset the 'clearing' / 'cashing' document and delete thevalue in the 'encashment' date field and in the 'paid' field.
Void the check
Reverse and reset the payment document
Attach the voided check to the payment document and its reversal.
Creation of the SF1080/SF1081 output documents (transaction F110) - theSF1080/SF1081 reports are likened to a 'check' in the businessenvironment - and would be posted to the 'checks payable' account. Theuser has posted accounts payable (or materials management LIV invoices)and/or accounts receivable invoices. These transactions are postedagainst a vendor/customer who has been designated SF1080 / SF1081. TheSF1080 / SF 1081 reports are generated via the F110 payment program - ina similar fashion to the generation of checks. Once the SF1080 / SF1081reports are generated, they are mailed to the partner agency who thenapproves / rejects the information on the report, signs the document andmails in back. If the document is approved, then a 'confirmation'(cashing) posting is later entered in the system - this is theconfirmation step discussed below. Once the SF1080 / SF1081 documentsare confirmed, they are mailed to the US Treasury department.
Reprint of SF1080/SF1081 output (only if required) (transactionFMFG_SF108_REPRNT) - this program would be run if another copy of the'check' / SF1080 / SF1081 document is required (the original may havebeen damaged). Transaction FMFG_SF108_REPRNT calls SAP standard programSAPFPAYM_SCHEDULE. The Payment Run date and Run-ID are the run timeparameters of this program.
Reversal of SF1080/SF1081 unconfirmed payment document (transactionFMFG_SF108_REV_UNCON) - an unconfirmed payment document is equivalent toan 'unpresented check' in the business world. TransactionFMFG_SF108_REV_UNCON calls the standard SAP transaction FCH8 (CancelPayment). The transaction will cancel the reset and reverse the paymentdocument and void the check. The voiding process will remove the valuesin the 'check encashment' and the 'paid' field. The program willattach the voided check to both the payment and the reversal. It may beused in the situation where a payment was posted incorrectly and it hasto be reposted.
Confirmation of the SF1080/SF1081 documents (transactionFMFG_SF108_CONFRM) - a confirmed document / payment is equivalent to a'cashed / presented check' in the business world. During theconfirmation process, the funds will move from the 'in transit' /'checks payable' account to the main bank account. In US Federal terms,the main bank account is the Funds Balance with Treasury account.Transaction FMFG_SF108_CONFRM calls the standard SAP transaction FCHR(Online Cashed Checks).
Reversal of SF1080/SF1081 confirmed payment document (transactionFMFG_SF108_REV) - after an SF1080 / SF1081 document has been confirmed('cashed' ), the funds have moved to the main cash account. If theunderlying invoice is incorrect, then a full reversal may be required.Program RFFMFG_SF108_REV provides the user with two options :
Option (1):
Reverse and reset the 'clearing' / 'cashing' document and delete thevalue in the 'encashment' date field and in the 'paid' field.
Reverse and reset the 'clearing' / 'cashing' document and delete thevalue in the 'encashment'
Date field and in the 'paid' field.
Option (2):
Reverse and reset the 'clearing' / 'cashing' document and delete thevalue in the 'encashment' date field and in the 'paid' field.
Void the check
Reverse and reset the payment document
Attach the voided check to the payment document and its reversal.