Programme SAP RFFMFG_PO_HOLD_TO_POST - Post Held Purchase Orders

This report posts the purchase orders that are on hold, so that theyconsume the budget or are updated to accounting receivers if relevant.

You must have EA-PS as the hold functionality is only provided to PublicSector customers.

The following selection parameters are provided:

  • Purchase Order Number

  • Date of the Purchase Order

  • Purchasing Group

  • Purchasing Organization

  • Document type

  • Check box for test or update run
  • Output
    The purchase orders are selected according to the criteria entered andare processed. The result can be one of the following:

    • If the purchase order has no errors and if this is a productive run, the
    • purchase order is posted to the accounting receivers and the messagesare displyed in an application log.
      • If the purchase order has errors and if this is not a test run, the
      • purchase order is not posted to accounting receivers and the messagesare displayed in an application log.
        • If the purchase order has errors and if this is a test run, the
        • purchase order is not posted to accounting receivers and the messagesare displayed in an application log.
          • If the purchase order has no errors and if this is a test run, the
          • purchase order is not posted to accounting receivers and the messagesare displayed in an application log.