Programme SAP RFFMFG_PO_HISTORY - Purchase Order History

The purpose of this report is to show the purchase order (PO) historyincluding the payment information (partial or full payment). The detailsare displayed from different reporting areas: Proprietary, Budgetary,and Funds Management (FM) view.
Information for the FM view is collected from the FM tables FMIOI andFMIFIIT for the Funds Management view; information for the Proprietaryand Budgetary views is collected from the table FMUSFGA.
This is an ABAP report using the ABAP List Viewer (ALV) tool. Layoutmanagement functionality is used in this report. This means you can touse, save, and modify layouts.
You can also drill down to the reference document and FI document.

Field Movements
The budgetary view in the purchase order history report will notwork if the commitment item string is not passed to the budgetaryledger.

The selection screen offers selection criteria on purchasing documentnumber, item, and sequential number of account assignment.
Note that some payments might be created with reference to a POwithout being linked to any line item in particular. The report can readthese documents when the PO number is passed and the PO item number isleft blank. All documents are then displayed, including those that donot reference a PO item.
The report shows the Proprietary, Budgetary, or FM view according to theselection.
A layout can be chosen to determine the list format.

Standard layouts are delivered as follows:

  • Layout 1SUBTOT_ACCT - Sorting and subtotals by purchasing document and
  • account (proprietary and budgetary view)
    • Layout 1SUBTOT_VALT - Sorting and subtotals by purchasing document and
    • value type (FM view)