Title Overall Budget: Line Items According to Document Numbers Use This reports overall budget values. Budget values that are availablefor several fiscal years, without funds distributed to individualfiscal years. This is for example the case with funds from secondarysources for the total run time of a project, whose run time spansseveral years. When the budget is created the system saves a hierarchy document. Thereport evaluates these hierarchy documents by generating a list sortedaccording to document numbers of budgeting documents that fufil theselection criteria. From this list you can see how a certain budget hasgot to its present state. It is therefore especially suitable for thecontrolling of budgeting processes. It does not display how much budgeta certain Funds Management AccountAssignment> actually has.Integration You can go to the document display of any of the displayedLine items>Prerequisites In selected FM area/fiscal year overall budget values must exist. Thebasis for this is the assigning of the corresponding budget profile forthe evaluated FM area. This budget profile is defined in Customizing ofthe component Funds Management>. For more information on budgetprofiles, see Set Budget Profile >.Features INCLUDE FIFM_EPSELECT_FMF_BE OBJECT DOKU ID TX INCLUDE FIFM_ALVLINK OBJECT DOKU ID TX |