Programme SAP RFFMCY_RESET - Reset Planning Data

Reset Plan Data

This program resets plan data of theBudget Control System (BCS)according to the given selection criteria.
You use this program in BCS during budget preparation in combinationwith the program Copy Plan Data.

You run this program for each FM area, budget category, version, fiscalyear and period range.
All relevant plan data matching the selection criteria in the totalstable FMBDT will be reset to zero. The program only resets valuesof the process Prepare (= plan data ofBCS).
Reset Options
You can decide to reset all budget types createdwith the process Prepare or you can restrict the reset forspecific budget types.
Processing Options
The Grouping settings allow you to specify which combinations ofFM account assignment elements should be grouped in one change document(line items table FMBDP). A new change document is always created foreach new fund. In the grouping settings you can extend thegrouping to one of the other FM account assignment elements (for example
, you can flag Funds Center in order to get a new document foreach new combination of fund and funds center). In order to avoid anoverflow of change document number range (line items table FMBDP), onlyone account assignment element can be flagged in addition to the fund.
You can either run the program as a test run or update run. Backgroundprocessing is also possible.

The FM account assignments taken into account can be limited by usingselection options.

The program generates a detailed list with the results of the programrun, provided the corresponding option was chosen. The detailed listcontains the following information:

  • FM account assignment element

  • Year of cash effectivity

  • Process

  • Budget type

  • Maximum error degree (in case one or more message were raised for the
  • corresponding line)
    If errors occur, an application log is generated and displayed.