Programme SAP RFFMCU_VALTYPE_XPRA - XPRA for VALTYPE field in BCS Tables

The program (XPRA) converts the Customizing table entries of the BudgetControl System. The conversion is due to the new table field VALTYPEwhich now makes a distinction between different value types (budget,release).
The field VALTYPE has been included as a key field in the followingtables:

  • FMBUDTYPE (budget type definition)

  • FMBUDTYPET (text for budget type definition)

  • FMPTCOMB (allowed combinations of process/ budget type)

  • FMPTCOMBA (allowed combinations of process / budget type for status)

  • FMAVCBUDFILTB (AVC filter settings - budget type)

  • The program replaces all table entries having a "blank" initial valuefor the field VALTYPE with the value "B1" (budget).
    The field VALTYPE is added as an attribute field in the following table:
    • FMAVCBUDFILTH (AVC filter settings - header entries)