Programme SAP RFFMCOPI - Plan Data Transfer from CO

The RFFMCOPI program copies CO plan version data to a Funds Managementbudget version (FM).
You use this program to generate proportional budgets through thetransfer of CO planning data in FM.
The data transfer can take place as often as desired. In doing so, onlythe difference arising between the individual transfers are posted andlogged to line items. Manual budget changes, budget carryforwards andtransfers in FM are not overwritten by the plan data transfer so thatthe budget in FM remains independent of the CO planning data in thisregard.
The program determines the receiver in FM according to assignments of FMaccount assignments to CO account assignments. If you make any changesto the assignment, the planning data used in FM thus far willautomatically be transferred to the new receiver when the next planningdata transfer takes place.
Note: If you are using theProfit Center to derive theFM account assignment defined in the CO object, you must consider thatthe first profit center valid for the first period of the CO fiscal yearis always available for the derivation.
If you are working with Budget Objects youmust make sure that the FM account assignment that was derived from a COaccount assignment is a budget object.
You can limit the selection of planning data to certain cost centers,orders, and projects. You can also limit the selection for these objectsto certain cost elements.
Note: if no values are given for the cost centers, orders and projectsin the selection options all will be selected. You can deactivate theselection for individual objects. To do this, select the object and thenchoose Edit -> Selection option. Then select =Individualvalue and choose Continue.
For the transferring of data into the target version, you can specify:

  • whether the payment budget and/or the commitment budget should be
  • updated
    • Whether the original budget should be updated or whether - after a
    • completed transfer - differences should be updated as a supplement or areturn
      • Which CO plan data should be copied

      • Original budget, supplements and returns are rolled up from the receiverobject to the top hierarchy node at data transfer.
        If, however, the budget values on superior levels are not to beoverwritten by the rolling up, enter the center level in the fieldMaximum center level, up to which the values may be rolled up atplan data transfer.
        Example: You have a center hierarchy with 7 levels. You haveissued budget for the first two center levels top-down and want toretain these values. In this case enter in the field Maximum centerlevel "3".
        If you do not want to transfer the data for the budget and all funds,you can limit the transfer of data to particular funds.
        Note: CO plan data that has already been carried forward isalways processed. If CO plan data has been carried forward and is nolonger selected, the values carried forward are reset (negative delta).This means you have to always mark all CO plan data for which you wantto carry out the CO plan data transfer.
        Note: At least one CO activity must be selected. If all CO plandata is deselected, an error message is issued.
        German Government Customers
        For Government Germany customers the following differences apply whenusing this program:
        For the transfering of data into the target version, you can determine:
        • whether the payment budget and/or the commitment budget or the financial
        • budget should be updated
          • whether the original budget should be updated, or whether - after a
          • transfer already made - any differences as a supplement with positive ornegative value should be updated
            You can select one or more CO plan years and a budget plan year. The COplan values are transfered as budget values into Funds Management in thebudget plan year. If you have selected the budget category commitmentbudget or financial budget, the fiscal year for the selected CO planvalues determines the cash effectivity year in FM. If the fiscal yearfalls after the planning horizon, the CO plan values are accumulated inthe last cash effectivity year.


            • The FM account assignments must be able to be derived from the CO
            • account assignments. For more information, see the documentation onFunds Management in section Integration Costs and ProjectControlling .
              • The program considers only planning on CO objects whose company code is
              • assigned to a controlling area in IMG activityDS:SIMG.SIMG_CFMENUSAPCOF18>"Assign Company Code to FM Area". Thecompany code must be assigned to a controlling area in IMG activity"Assign Company Code to Controlling Area"

                • The program considers primary CO plan data from table COSP for
                • transactions:
                  Primary costs planning(RKP1)
                  Revenue elements planning (RKP5)
                  Planning activity dependent primary costs (RKP6)
                  Planning periodic reposting (RKPB)
                  • The program considers the secondary CO planning data in the COSS table
                  • for the activities:
                    Planning settlement ILV (KOAM)
                    Planning settlement (KOAP)
                    Planning debit from settlement (KOAS)
                    Planning periodical overheads (KZPP)
                    Planning activities (RKP2)
                    Planning secondary costs (RKP3)
                    Planning activity dependent secondary costs (RKP7)
                    Planning settlement costs (RKP8)
                    Planning activities-dependent settlement costs (RKP9)
                    Planning indirect activities allocation (RKPL)
                    Planning overhead cost assessment (RKPU)
                    Planning overhead cost distribution (RKPV)
                    Secondary order cost planning (RKPW)
                    Activity-dependent secondary order cost planning (RKPX)
                    Planned credits for overheads (RKPZ)

                    The output of this program is in three parts:
                    RESET N1
                    Listing of selection and processing parameters
                    Listing of planned CO objects for which no assignment to an FM accountassignment is maintained.
                    Listing of successful transfers per FM fiscal year, CO fiscal year, andobject type. The receiver, the amount, the budget type and the generateddocument are displayed for each object. By double clicking on thedocument you can go to document display. The budget sub-types are alsodisplayed.

                    Manual budget changes in FM - planning data transfer
                    Starting base are the following assignments and plan values:
                    Assignment Plan value
                    Cost center K_100 - Fund center S1 500
                    Cost elem. 415000 - Commit. item AB
                    During the planning data transfer an original budget of 500 wasgenerated in S1/AB.
                    After the planning data transfer you increase:
                    the original budget (S1/AB) to 800
                    the plan value (K_100/415000) to 650
                    A following planning data transfer increases the original budget for(S1/AB) to 950 because the difference between the two transfersis 150.
                    Changes in assignments - planning data transfer
                    After these planning data transfers you change the assignment:
                    from K_100/415000 to S1/AB
                    from K_100/415000 to S9/XX
                    In the following planning data transfers, the budget of S1/AB isautomatically reduced by 650 and S9/XX increased by 650.

766192FM9C terminates with a short dump
215247Unjustified message of the availability control