Programme SAP RFFMCHAG - Select Documents - Overall Reassignment

You can use program RFFMCHAG to select all documents which wereposted to a particular FM accountassignment for reassignment.
The selection of documents is based on a derivation strategy definedbeforehand in which the assignment of old to new FM account assignmentsis defined.

If you run this program as a production run, the data is saved in thework list. You can display the work list later using programDisplay work list.
The data is actually converted using program Convertwork list.

The derivation strategy must be created in the IMG of FundsManagement, under Master Data -> Account Assignment Derivationfor Reassignment -> Define Derivation Strategy forReassignment and assigned to your FM area in IMG activityAssign FM Strategy for Reassignment.

You receive a list of all selected documents with the old and new FMaccount assignments.

798974Reassigning multiple account assigned purchase orders
741221Inconsistent reassignment of purchase orders