Programme SAP RFFMCF25 - Budget Closing Operations: Determine Amounts


Use program RFFMCF25 to determine:

  • The budget for the commitments, that is the budget freed when the open
  • commitments were carried forward to the new year and/or
    • Previous fiscal year residual budget

    • The budget determined for the commitments and the residual budget canthen be carried forward to the new fiscal year using programRFFMCF30.
      For performance reasons, always run this program using backgroundprocessing.
      Program parameters
      FM area
      Budget version
      Fiscal year
      All funds
      Funds centers
      Commitment items
      Budget for commitments (payment or commitment budget)
      Value types for "Budget for commitments" (payment or commitment budget)
      Residual expenditures (payment or commitment budget)
      Residual revenues (payment or commitment budget)
      Carry forward negative residual budget
      Detail list
      Determine budget for commitments carried forward:
      When determining the budget for the commitments carried forward and,later, carrying it forward using program RFFMCF30, you must note thefollowing:
      • Closing operations Customizing:

      • You can only carry forward the budget for the commitments carriedforward if this has been defined as being allowed in the Customizingsettings for the closing operations in Funds Management.
        • Budget-bearing elements:

        • You can post to a combination of commitment item, funds center, and fund(budget structure (BS) element) even if there is no budget for this BSelement.
          Where this is the case, the system uses the budget from the next BSelement up that has a budget. If the commitments in a BS element with nobudget were carried forward to the new year, the "corresponding" budgetfrom the budget-bearing BS element is also carried forward.
          If account assignment changes were made during the commitmentscarryforward (by using the corresponding carryforward rules for thecommitments carryforward), then the "corresponding" budget of therespective budget-bearing BS element in the old year is carried forwardto the budget-bearing BS element of the respective commitments receiveraccount assignment.
          • Constraints imposed by availability control:

          • If availability control checks against overall values rather than annualvalues, the system does not carry forward the budget for the commitmentscarried forward.
            Determining residual budget:
            When determining residual budgets and using program RFFMCF30 to carrythem forward, note the following:
            • Definition of residual budget:

            • Before the open commitments are carried forward, the residual budget isthe difference between the current budget and the assigned budget. Ifyou carry the open commitments forward to the new fiscal year, thebudget with which this commitment was assigned is free again. Thisbudget that is temporarily free
              is not, however, residual budget because it must be added to thecommitment carried forward
              and is not carried forward to the new year as a residual budget.
              The residual budget carried forward is calculated as follows:
              Current budget - (assigned budget + budget still to be carried forwardfrom the commitments carried forward).
              • Closing operations Customizing:

              • You can only carry forward the residual budget if this has been definedas being allowed in the Customizing settings for the closing operationsin Funds Management.
                • Carryforward rules:

                • If a carryforward parameter was defined for the budget carryforward inCustomizing for the closing operations in Funds Management, the residualbudget is determined and then carried forward to the new fiscal yearusing program RFFMCF30 according to the carryforward rules defined inthis carryforward parameter.
                  This means that residual budgets can only be carried forward if you havedefined a carryforward rule for the budget-bearing element (combinationof commitment item, funds center and, if required, fund) or if there isa generic carryforward rule which can be applied to this element.
                  It is possible to carry forward only parts (percentage) of the residualbudget of a budget-bearing element.
                  You can apportion some or all of the residual budget of a budget-bearingelement to more than one element in the new fiscal year.
                  If you run the program several times, the carryforward rules valid thenare applied.
                  • Negative residual budget

                  • Negative residual budgets can arise if the total of the assigned budgetand the budget still to be carried forward for the commitments exceedsthe current budget. To determine negative residual budgets, choose the"Determine Negative Residual Budget" option.
                    • You can simultaneously start the program with the options

                    • Budget for commitments
                      Residual expenditures
                      Residual revenues
                      • You can run the program as often as you like to determine how much
                      • budget was freed when you carried open commitments forward to the newfiscal year and/or to determine residual budgets. The budget tobe carried forward is recalculated each time.
                        If budget has already been carried forward for commitments which havealready been carried forward, the amount is not determined again (thebudget still to be carried forward is zero).
                        If a residual budget has already been carried forward, the currentresidual budget is zero and no budget is determined.
                        If budget, assigned values, carryforward rules, or the Customizingsetting were changed, then a difference amount which may already existis carried forward for the previous carryforward.
                        • If you are using availability control with assignment objects, you must
                        • note the following:
                          When preparing and determining the amounts for the budget carryforward,assignment objects are not considered. The posted amounts(commitments or actuals) are assigned to the budget-bearing elements orpossibly the defined budget objects as the "assigned value for thecommitments carried forward".
                          If, for example, the budget for the BS element which is below anassignment object in the hierarchy is less than the respective amountposted, then there is a negative residual budget (see the "Carry FwdNegative Resid. Bdgt" program parameter). It may be that the budgetwhich is on this assignment object itself is more than the assignedvalue (accumulated from the BS elements under it), that is, there is nonegative reidual budget from the assignment object's viewpoint.
                          Note this correlation when setting the "Carry Fwd Negative Resid. Bdgt"program parameter.


                          • You must run program BPINDX04 (prepare budget carried forward)
                          • before you run program RFFMCF25.
                            • Put organizational measures in place so that no other activities
                            • are carried out in the system, in particular no document entry andno budgeting, while this program is running. You must block yourcompany codes against posting, which you do by closing the appropriateperiods. For details, read Open and ClosePosting Periods in the Financial Accounting implementation guide.
                              • You must not run program RFFMCF10 (Carry Forward Open Commitment
                              • Documents) while this program is running.

                                Display showing the amounts chosen for carryforward
                                Display showing the amounts which could not be selected for carryforward
                                If an error has occurred (for example, if the system could not find a BSelement on the next level up or if negative residual budgets could notbe carried forward), the amount is shown separately.