Programme SAP RFFMCE_GENCOVERGR - Generate Cover Eligibility Rules

This program generates covereligibility rules for automatic cover groups.


  • You have created budget or posting addresses in the
  • budget structure, or you already have budget orposting data (without a budget structure).
    • You have defined a derivation strategy for
    • generating CE rules in FM Customizing. Once you have defined astrategy, you can maintain table entries for "derivation rule"steps in this strategy. You do this from the menu via transactionFMCERGR .
      • You have maintained at least one internal
      • number range for cover groups with numberrange interval 01.
        • If you want to use external number assignment, select another number
        • range interval (not 01) and set the Ext. indicator.

          When you run the program, it assigns the selected budget addresses toboth existing and new cover groups by means of the derivation strategyused for generating CE rules. Using the same derivation strategy, theprogram further assigns all attributes which are necessary for a validcover eligibility rule: the role of the budgetaddress and the cover group category which isonly "automatic" here.
          The program cannot assign a selected budget address to any cover groupif, in the derivation strategy, you have set the indicatorDo not assign.
          During the creation of cover groups, the following applies:

          • only budget addresses with expenditure commitment items are considered

          • a budget address can belong only to one automatic cover group per
          • availability control ledger
            • the cover group must contain at least two budget addresses

            • Note
              When you modify and/or create cover groups by assigning budget addresseswhich already have budget or posting data, you must run thereconstruction of the availability control ledgers involved (transactionFMAVCREINIT).
              The program only adds new entries to the database, it does not modify ordelete existing entries.


              • Enter the FM area, fiscal year and availability control ledger to work
              • with.
                • Selection of Source Data: Use the first group of radio buttons to
                • specify whether you want to generate CE rules using posting addresses orbudget addresses. With the second group of radio buttons, decide whetheryou want to use the budgeting/posting addresses of the budget structure(radio button Use Budget Structure), or whether you want to usethe addresses with existing budgeting/posting data (radio button UseApplication Data ).
                  If you use posting addresses to create cover groups, thebudget structure is used todetermine the link between a posting address and a budget address. Thebudget address is then used for the derivation of cover groups.
                  • Select the FM account assignments for which you want to create CE rules.

                  • If you set the indicator Add
                  • Addresses Only, no cover groups will be created by the program. Inthis case, the program only adds new budget addresses to existing covergroups.
                    • Decide whether you want to run the program in test mode first by
                    • checkmarking Test Run.

                      The output list contains the automatic cover groups with the assignedbudget addresses and their roles. You can also display an error log ifthere were errors during the generation of CE rules and/or there werebudget addresses assigned to the indicator Do not assign in thederivation strategy.
                      When you run the program in test mode, the preliminary data for newcover groups is displayed. If you run the program in update mode (thatis, if you do not set the corresponding indicator), the data for the newcover groups will be taken from the internal number range interval01 or from an external number range, depending on the targetcover group defined in the derivation strategy.