Programme SAP RFFMCCRVENDORCREATE - Create Business Partner/Vendor from CCR Data

The Central Contractor Registration (CCR) is the primary vendor databasefor the U.S. Federal Government. The CCR collects, validates, stores,and disseminates data in support of agency acquisition missions.
Both current and potential government vendors are required to registerin CCR in order to be awarded contracts by the government. Vendors arerequired to complete a one-time registration to provide basicinformation relevant to procurement and financial transactions. Vendorsmust update or renew their registration annually to maintain an activestatus.
CCR validates the vendor's information and electronically shares thesecure and encrypted data with the federal agencies' finance offices tofacilitate paperless payments through electronic funds transfer (EFT).Additionally, CCR shares the data with government procurement andelectronic business systems.
This program is used to create SAP ERP vendor master records from theCCR vendor records.

To create SAP ERP vendors from the vendor records provided by CCR, youmust first run the RFFMCCRUPLOAD program to bring the CCR vendor recordsinto the SAP environment.
The create method of the BADI FMFG_CCRVNDORMIGRATE must be implementedcorrectly.

You can select which CCR vendors you would like to create SAP ERP vendormaster records for by specifying the DUNS number, DUNS+4 number, CAGEcode, or Taxpayer Identification Number as selection criteria.

The output of this report is an ALV grid display that contains thevendor records processed, along with the status of each record.
Note: SAP ERP vendors are created using the SAP IDOC functionality andeach vendor record processed is given a corresponding IDOC number. ThisIDOC number can be used to track errors that took place during theupdate process.

Determine which vendors your agency conducts business with and create atext file containing a list of the corresponding DUNS numbers . Use thefile upload option to load the contents of this file into the DUNSselection option on the selection screen. You could also create a textfile specifying the vendors to create using DUNS4, CAGE, or TaxpayerIdentification number.
Since the volume of data processed by this program is potentially veryhigh, you should execute the program as a batch job in the background.