Programme SAP RFFMCCOVR - FM Closing Operations: Reassign Open Commitment

Note: This program refers to the Budget Control System (BCS).
With closing operations for multi-year budget execution, you canreassign open FM commitment from the old budget to the new using thisprogram. The program evaluates the assignment rules defined in aderivation strategy for this reassignment.

The external documents are reassigned accordingly and componentsassigned subsequently are updated.


  • The Multi-Year Budget Execution is active in
  • the FM area.
    • You have defined the assignment of FM account assignments of the old
    • budget ID to the new budget ID in IMG activityDefine Derivation Strategy for Reassignment.
      • You have maintained the required entries for FM
      • Closing Operations Reassignment of Commitment Documents in IMGactivity Assign FM Area Strategy forReassignment.

        The program has the same functions as program RFFMCCLS
        (closing open documents).
        With Business Add-In Control Reassignment
        you can exclude certain value types from the program run.

        See example

        The name of your sponsors is coded into the first five characters of thefund and the budget ID isthe last four characters of the fund name. The budget ID is assignedaccording to the year of entry of the budget: The budget passed infiscal year 2002 is managed under budget ID 2002. The funds 04711, 04712are created with keys , ... 04711-2002, 04712-2002 in budget 2002. Forthe budget 2003, the same funds are managed with keys 04711-2003,04712-2003 and so on.
        The budget of budget ID 2002 should be closed at the end of thecorresponding fiscal year; the open purchase order commitment should betransferred 'budget effectively' to the corresponding fund of budget2003. To do this, carry out the following steps:
        Define a derivation strategy for reassignment with a derivation step oftype Move, which maps the constant '2003' to the last four placesof the target field TARGET_FUND, under the condition that the last fourcharacters of the source fields SOURCE_FUND contain the value '2002'.You control the field characteristics so that the target field isoverwritten with the new values.
        You assign the strategy to the FM area, the current year and FM closingoperation Reassign Commitment Documents .
        You execute this program for all funds with budget ID '2002' except withpurchase order documents (value type '50').
        If necessary, you close preceding documents (purchase requisitions,funds reservations) that are not reassigned using programRFFMCCLS.