Programme SAP RFFMCCF_UPD_RECEIVER - Postprocessing Program for converting Fiscal Year Change Data (FM)

Postprocessing Program for Converting Fiscal Year Change Data

This postprocessing program converts the old fiscal year change data.This is necessary if the old IS-PS fiscal year change program (RFFMC0**)is replaced by the new (RFFMCCF*). With the upgrade to Release 4.70,this program must run before you make any postings in the system.


Client (Multiple Selection)
FM Area (Multiple Selection)
Test Run
Hidden Parameters:
Delete converted data: If you select this field, the data converted bythis postprocessing program so far is deleted (in accordance with theclients and FM areas), before the conversion is triggered again.This can only happen in the update run if no postings were alreadymade in the system! The data already converted is not deleted in thetest run. For this reason (in contrast to the update run), the message"Data Already Converted Found" remains in the output (and less or nodata is therefore displayed as converted).
Delete after production start date:

A start and closing message are issued. Error messages are also issuedwhen necessary. In addition to this, an interim message is issued aftereach processing package with the number of updates records in accordancewith the internal package processing.

Further measures are only necessary if error messages occur.

653716Data conversion incomplete due to RFFMCCF_UPG_TRANSFER
715369Error message FI031 in the log of RFFMCCF_UPD_RECEIVER