Programme SAP RFFMCCF_DP - Closing Operations: Carry Frwd Down Payments and Down Pymnt Clearings

You can use this program to execute a summary carryforward for FM downpayments and down payment clearings from one fiscal year to the next.For a summary carryforward, a carryforward record is formed for eachcombination of company code, account assignment and transactioncurrency. In this way, the balance zero occurs for each carryforwardcombination in the sender fiscal year. You can execute the carryforwardagain when you post to the same carryforward combination. The programthen carries the difference forward so that the balance for thiscarryforward combination is zero again in sender fiscal year.
If you want to reverse the carryforwards that have taken place, maintaina corresponding carryforward rule with the percentage zero in thederivation strategy for reassignments and rerun the program. The programthen reverses the carryforwards that have taken place.


  • You are using the Update
  • Profile CB with Target Fiscal Years (000400).
    This is the only update profile in which a carryforward of down paymentsand down payment clearings to the new fiscal year is allowed.
    • In the Customizing of Funds Management, IMG activity
    • Define Settings for Commitment Carryforward:Payment Budget must be defined so that the carryforward of downpayments (value type 61) is allowed.
      • If the budget structure changes with the new fiscal year, you must
      • activate the following IMG activities in the Customizing of FundsManagement:
        Define Derivation Strategy for Reassignment
        Assign Derivation Strategy forReassignment to FM Area.
        You must also define the assignments from the old to the new accountassignment using transaction Maintain Account Assignment Derivation

        You define the FM area the first time you call the program. To changethe FM area, choose Environment -> Change FM Area .
        The program processes items to be processed based on the selectioncriteria chosen. You can proceed as follows for this:

        • You can limit the records chosen to be carried forward by specifying the
        • FM account assignments (fund, funds center, commitment item, functionalarea).
          • You can also limit the records to be carried forward even further by
          • specifying the company codes.
            • The multiple selection allows you to limit the FM account assignments.
            • The multiple selection is useful in that it allows you to limit theselection of items according to the attributes of the account assignmentelements; for example, you can select the fund according to the fundtype or fund status or commitment item according to the commitment itemtype or the financial transaction. The tool generates a list ofproposals based on your selection restrictions in which you can limitthe FM account assignments even further.
              You can also create a variant for multiple selection and thereby executethe program in the background
              You can control the flow and output of the program as follows:
              • Test run

              • Detail List

              • If you do not choose the Detail List, the program only issues alist of summary carryforward records.
                If you choose Detail List, the program issues a list thatdisplays all down payments, down payment clearings and carryforwardrecords already generated for this record for each generatedcarryforward record and provides you with more information:
                By double-clicking on an item, you can branch to the document display.
                For the detail list, you can enter a Layout for thelog output using the program. This can be useful if you have created aspecial layout for background processing.
                A message appears in the field Message text. If several messagesexist for an item, the symbol @AH@ appears in the fieldMore Fields (calling indicator). By clickingon this field, you can branch to display of all the messages thatoccurred when processing line items. you can branch to the display ofthe message long text from the list of messages by double-clicking.

634517FMJ_ANZ sets statistics indicator on FMCFSIF
589788RFFMCCF_UPG_TRANSFER does not convert data of FMJ_ANZ