Programme SAP RFFMCCFR - Year-End Closing: Undo Carryforward of Open Items

Fiscal Year Change: Resetting Carryforward of Open Items

You can use this program to reset the carryforward of Funds Managementcommitment documents to the next fiscal year (programRFFMCCF1) for an FM area and fiscal year.

If you use former budgeting and have carried forward the budget forcommitment to the next fiscal year using program
Budget Closing Operations Execute Carryforward (RFFMCF30), you mustrestart the carryforward of budget for commitment in the old year forthe documents carried back. This has the effect that the budget alreadyin the new year belongs to the commitment that was carried back again.
Note: You have to prepare the budget carryforward (programBPINDX05) and determine the budget carryforward (program RFFMCF25)before you carryforward the budget for commitment.

The documents must have the same account assignment as they have afterthe commitment carryforward. This also applies if a document wasreassigned within the commitments carryforward.
If a document is reassigned again after the commitments carryforward,this change must be undone.

The program only resets the document items in the old year that werefirst carried forward to the new fiscal year in the commitmentscarryforward RFFMCCF1. Documents only created in thenew fiscal year cannot be transferred to the old fiscal year.

The selection criteria correspond to the selection criteria of thecommitments carryforward. Note that you must always enter the fiscalyear from which the documents were carried forward and whosecarryforward you want to reset as the sender fiscalyear.
You can find more information on the selection criteria in the programdocumentationRFFMCCF1.
In addition, you can restrict the reset of the commitments carryforwardto a user, a particular date (or interval) and a particular time (orinterval).

910826Commitments carryforward terminates
697551Default field value for value types in RFFMCCF0
755743FMJ3 terminates with FI031 or determines incorrect amounts
756804Clear of new fields on table FMCCFD
727201Commitments carryforward: reassignment of purchase orders
723081Error message ME006 in log of commitments carryforward
668583Number range intervals for number range object CF_DOC
663273Short dump with commitment carryforward
662226Authorizations for fiscal year change
660527FMJ3: Incorrect account assignment for undo carryforward
657538Incorrect totals record update by commitment carried forward
655225Commitment carryforward: performance
613222Undoing carryforward for zero amounts