Programme SAP RFFMCCF0 - Carry Forward Completely Reduced Documents Manually



  • You can use this program to carry forward completely reduced commitment
  • documents to the next fiscal year in Funds Management (manual zerocarryforward).
    Completely reduced documents are documents with amount zero (there is noopen amount).
    Normally completely reduced commitment documents are not carried forwardto the next fiscal year. If you change a completely reduced document inthe new year, a zero carryforward may be necessary. For this case, theautomatic zero carryforward is planned which is executed from thechanging transaction automatically.
    In certain cases it may be necessary to start the zero carryforwardmanually. For example, if the automatic zero carryforward cannot executea reassignment of commitment documents. We recommend that you only usethe manual zero carryforward in emergencies for individual documents.
    German government and local authorities customers can use the manualzero carryforward to carry forward general requests to the new financialyear.


    You can restrict the selection of documents to be carried forward in thesame way as for the carryforward of open items (program RFFMCCF1). Youcan find more information on this in the programdocumentation.
    In comparison to the carryforward of open items, you must enter avalue type and document number.
    The program only selects documents in which the amounts are cleared inaccordance with the selection criteria.

697551Default field value for value types in RFFMCCF0
706102RFFMCCF0: Reassigned documents are carried forward twice
668583Number range intervals for number range object CF_DOC
663273Short dump with commitment carryforward
660998Carryforward general requests: Missing selection texts