Programme SAP RFFMCBFI - Deactivate Online CBM Update from FI

Verification of the source and appliycation of payment flows is thecentral task of Cash Budget Management. To this end, it is essential torecord transaction data from documents posted in FI.
You can use this program to deactivate the update. This is a good ideaas a temporary measure in the following context:

You want to reconstruct the Cash Budget Management transaction datafrom FI in full. Normally, no further FI documents may be posted in thesystem while this reconstruction is in progress. However, if thequantity of data to be reconstructed is very large, the time availablemay not be sufficient.
If you find yourself in this situation, activate Cash Budget Managementand use this program to switch off the update from FI transaction data.Then reconstruct the data from the old, closed periods (using programRFFMRP52). Postings are still possible during this process. Cash BudgetManagement ensures, for example, that commitment items are entered innewly posted purchase orders and their follow-up documents.
For the reconstruction of FI transaction data from posting periodscurrently open, you need only a time window with no FI postings. Oncethe full reconstruction is complete, you must run this program again toreactivate the update for transaction data from FI.

177990Cash Budget Mangmt:Reconstructing FI related CBM-data