Programme SAP RFFMBW00 - Revalue Open Amounts in Funds Commitments

You use this report program to revaluate documents in Funds Management(FM) that is, to recalculate the local currency amount in thedocuments. In addition, residual funds which are commitment in adocument are returned to the budget while the amount in transactioncurrency is reduced to zero.
The program can process funds commitments, funds precommitments, fundsreservations, and forecasts of revenue.
The amount not yet reduced in an FM document is subject to
revaluation. The amount representing the difference betwen the openamount in local currency before and after the revaluation is written toa history record. This record always contains the currency differencewhich has arisen since the last revaluation run.
Partial amounts from FM documents still awaiting approval in Workfloware treated in the same way.
You can restrict the document revaluation to one fiscal year. In thiscase, only the documents from this fiscal year; documents from previousyears which have not been carried forward to the fiscal year inquestion are excluded from the revaluation.
The open amounts in the documents are determined at the time theprogram is run. It is not dependent on the fiscal year for which youare conducting the revalution.
The revaluation presupposes that a key date has been entered. Therevaluation uses the exchange rate maintained for this key date.
It is possible to select documents for processing by company code,transaction currency, document number, and document category.
If you set the indicator Only External Document Number List, youcan define that the list of the documents to be revaluated is onlyassigned externally. In this case, the report does not take therestrictions on the document category or company code into account andcarries out the revaluation due to the list made available by theenhancement Transfer of a Particular External DocumentNumber Table (RFFMBW00).
For technical reasons, availability control can only be carried out onupdate runs. In the revaluation, it may happen that additional fundsfrom the budget are committed due to, say, new exchange rates. In suchcases, availability control permits the commitment, regardless of thetolerance limit settings.

The program produces a list, showing the documents which have beenrevalued. The documents are sorted by company code. The followingfields appear in the list:

  • Company code

  • Document number

  • Document category

  • Document currency

  • Local currency for the company code

  • Exchange rate between document currency and local currency, used in the
  • revaluation
    • Document item

    • Open amount in local currency before revaluation

    • Open amount in local currency after revaluation

    • Total amount returned to the budget (a negative amount here means that
    • more budget has been used).
      If a document item contains both approved and unapproved partialamounts, two lines per item are listed:
      • The first line refers to the open amount already approved.

      • The second line refers to the amount still to be approved and has a
      • workflow indicator.
        A star appearing behind a document item indicators that no revaluationas such has taken place for that item, but residual funds in localcurrency have been returned to the budget.
        By clicking a document number in the display, you can branch to theappropriate document display.
        If the run is an update run, a second list may be output, showing theavailability control messages. This enables you to monitor the FMaccount assignments in which the revaluation lead to additional budgetfunds being committed.
        Such messages which have lead to an error message or caused processingto terminate (types "A" or "E") result in the relevant document notbeing revalued. You can identify where this is the case by the zerovalue in the amount field representing the amount returned to thebudget in the list of revalued documents.