Programme SAP RFFMBUM7 - Display Inconsistency: Total Overall Vals/Annual Vals / Doc.Numbers

This program checks whether the sum of the line items matches the totalbudget of the correspondimg record for overall and/or annual values fora special budget type/budget subtype.
If a discrepancy is discovered, you can create the line items so thatthey match the overall and/or annual budgets for the selected budgettype/budget subtype.
You can do this in one of the following ways:

  • Update from list (dialog processing): the list of inconsistencies is
  • displayed and the line items are created if you choose "Update lineitems". A dialog box then appears, asking for confirmation.
    • Update immediately (batch processing): the list of discrepancies is
    • displayed and the update takes place automatically.
      Exceptions: Budgeting records for value types 44, 71, 73, 74, 94, 4A,9A, 9B and 9D which, by definition, have no corresponding line items andare not changed.
      If the "Test run" flag is on, the program produces an output listwithout performing an update.

      Before updating or creating any line items, you must make sure that theoverall and/or annual values are correct.

      The output list displays all discrepancies between totals and the sum ofline items (yellow fields). Four values are displayed: budget anddistributed values for both transaction and ledger currency. The headershows the FM area, fund, version, functional area, and fiscal year. Theline item amounts are added together and compared to the total valuesand then displayed together with the document number (white fields).