Programme SAP RFFMBS_INDEX_INCONSISTENCIES - Display Index Inconsistencies

Using this program, you can check whether there are inconsistencies inthe links saved as index entries between the posting addresses andbudget addresses of the budget structure and the current derivationstrategies for budget addresses.
The index entries are automatically created during the creation ofposting addresses. In addition to the index entries of posting addresses
, the index entries of the corresponding budget addresses are saved inthe database on the basis of the derivation strategy. If you change thevalid derivation strategy in the IMG activityDefine Account Assignment Derivation forBudget Addresses inconsistencies could result from this. If this isthe case, you must reconstruct the index entries saved in the databasein accordance with the new derivation strategy,. You can also changeyour derivation strategy so that there are no inconsistencies in theindex entries. You reconstruct the index entries using the programBudget Structure: Index Reconstruction

Carry out the check on the index entries in the FM area/fiscal year foreach posting ledger.

The index is consistent if the list is empty. If inconsistencies arefound, you receive a list in which the posting addresses concerned aredisplayed in groups of three lines, including the budget addressassigned as an index entry in the database and the derived budgetaddress. Each group has a different color.
In the column "Exception", the signal lights indicate the following:
red = derived budget address is incorrect, for example, the master datafor it does not exist.
green = derived budget address is correct.

Execute the program.
If inconsistencies are found, either reconstruct the index entries orchange the relevant derivation step of the derivation strategy.