Programme SAP RFFMBLTR - Trace FM Budgetary Ledger Account Derivation

Budgetary Ledger Trace Utility for Documents That Do Not Balance

The FI document posted from the budgetary ledger must be balanced inorder to be created. Before calling the account derivation process thedocument is balanced but, after this, the balance may be lost.
The purpose of this utility is to help you identify customizing errorswhen the attempt is made to post documents that do not balance.
This utility saves the contents of the BL interface table beforecalling the account derivation process when the document still balancesand after the error occurs. Both tables are displayed for you to createthe appropriate entries in customizing.
If the document does not balance after the account derivation process,the error message FI_E 045 is sent and the posting process isinterrupted until the problem is solved.
Regardless of the account derivation, the line type in the BL interfacetables indicates the nature of the line, thus where the account will bederived from.
The possible line types are:

  • 'N' stands for "New budget",

  • 'L' stands for "Leaf budget",

  • 'B' stands for "Both budget",

  • 'S' stands for "Statistical posting/Revenue/Income",

  • 'D' stands for "Budget Distribution",

  • 'R' stands for "Budgetary Resources",

  • 'O' stands for "Open items/Actuals".

  • The "New budget", also known as the original budget, represents the topfunds center line in the budget structure when the posting occurs at alower level in the hierarchy. The other side of the balanced documentis a line type 'L'.
    The "Leaf budget" represents new or original budget entered at a lowerlevel in the budget structure. This line represents the funds center atthe level where the budget was entered. The corresponding linebalancing the document is a line type 'N'.
    The term "Both budget" describes new or original budget entered at thetop level. In this case, only one funds center is involved since it isthe top funds center in the hierarchy and the same one where the budgetwas entered. A line type 'B' has a corresponding line type 'D'.
    The "Statistical posting" line type occurs when an income, revenue, orstatistical posting calls the budgetary ledger. The other side of thedocument is a line type 'O'.
    The "Budget Distribution" line type is the other side for the budgetingtransactions with line type 'B'.
    The "Budgetary Resources" line type occurs when an open item or actualis posted. The corresponding line for a resources entry is an 'O'.
    The "Open items/Actuals" line type occurs when an open item/actual isposted. Examples would be earmarked funds, a purchase requisition, apurchase order, or a vendor invoice. The corresponding line is a type'R'.
    In the case of the account derivation for the US federal government, ifthe line type is either 'N' or 'B', the account is derived from thetable "Budgetary resources (US federal government)". If the line typeis 'L' or 'D', the account is derived from the "Budget distribution".Line type 'S' and 'R' from "Revenue/Statistical postings <(>&<)>OI/Actual resources". Finally, for line type 'O', the account isderived from "Open items/Actuals for budget status".

    This utility of the budgetary ledger for documents that do not balanceshould not be executed directly but only when error FI_E 045 occurs andwithin the long text of the error message with the hypertext link.
    This is because the two BL interface tables before and after theaccount derivation process are stored in a data cluster using the ABAPmemory and are then imported by the trace utility. This data cluster isonly available from within the same window (or mode). Executing thetransaction thus if the trace utility is executed from another screen,it will send a message informing that the data cluster is empty and notables exist to be displayed.
    This trace is integrated with the budgetary ledger processor and shouldbe only called from within.

    This utility is useful only when the budgetary ledger is active,integrated with the Funds Management system. If, after the accountderivation process regardless of the logic, for example US federalgovernment, Spain's governments, or any other, an FI_E 045 balanceerror occurs. If you display the long text for the error message andclick the hypertext link to the trace utility, this program will beexecuted showing the tables contents.
    If this error occurs, no posting is possible until the document isbalanced.


    If using the customizing for the US federal government, you shouldshould execute transaction OFBL or customize the account derivationfrom the IMG.
    If any other account derivation is being used, you should customize theuser-defined account derivation as defined by the customer or informthe system administratator of the problem.

    Possible causes for an unbalanced document are that during the accountderivation process, more lines were found for one of the document sidethan in the other one.

    • For example, if you are using the account derivation for the US federal
    • government, it could be the case that one line is customized for openitems/actuals for budget status but none for revenue/statisticalpostings & OI/actual resources. In this case, the document would notbalance.
      • Another possible cause is the definition of multiple lines on one side
      • of the document using more than one line of customizing. For example,in the account derivation customizing for the US federal government,two lines in the budgetary resources (US federal government) usinglines 001 and 002, but only one using line 001 for budget distribution.
        • A third possible cause is the customizing of the proprietary ledger
        • area in one side of the document but not in the other. For example, forRevenue/Statistical postings & OI/Actual resources one line usingledger area Budgetary (0) and one more using Proprietary (1) but inOpen items/Actuals for budget status only one line using the budgetaryledger area but nothing using the proprietary ledger.
          These cases would all generate an unbalanced document.