Programme SAP RFFMBI95 - Copy Funds Center Master Data from UNIX File/PC File

Program RFFMBI95 transfers the funds centers for an FM area in a batchjob and/or generates hierarchy entries for a hierarchy variant in the FMarea from a UNIX file or PC file to the SAP system.
You should take note that this program is executed in the background onthe application server and you must therefore specify a UNIX path.
The input file is processed sequentially. The data is made available tothe SAP system via function module FM_CF_CREATE_NO_SCREEN. In thisfunction module, the input data is checked for plausibility and writtento the database after successful checking.
The proper processing, or in the case of error, the rejection of a fundscenter is recorded in the action log. The log is displayed in a list.

  • The input file must have been generated using program RFFMBI91 (read
  • funds center master data and output to UNIX file/PC file).
    • All relevant Customizing settings must have been made.
    • Note
      If the SAP enhancement FMMD0007 is active, this can lead to changes inthe input data !

      Action log (with error messages)

      Program RFFMBI95 transfers the funds centers for an FM area in a batchrun and/or generates hierarchy entries for a hierarchy variant in the FMarea from a UNIX file or PC file to the SAP system.
      You should take note that the program is executed in the background onthe application server and you must therefore specify a UNIX path.
      The input file is processed sequentially. The data is made available tothe SAP system via function module 'FM_CF_CREATE_NO_SCREEN'. In thisfunction module, the input data is checked for plausibility and writtento the database after it has been checked successfully.
      The order of processing or, if errors occurred, the rejection of a fundscenter is recorded in the action log. The log is displayed in a list.

      • The input file must have been generated using program RFFMBI91 (read
      • funds centers master data and issue to UNIX file/PC file).
        • All relevant Customizing settings must have been made.
        • Note
          If SAP enhancement FMMD0007 is active, this can lead to changes in theinput data !

          Action log (with error messages)

308670Creating funds centers: SAPSQL_ARRAY_INSERT_DUPREC