Programme SAP RFFMBGCPY - Copying of Year-Dependent PCO Account Assignments

Copying FM Account Assignments

You can use this program to copy the account assignments of one orseveral public-owned commercial operations (PCO) from one fiscal year toanother. This may involve existing reassignment parameters beingconsidered.


On the selection screen, enter the FM area, the selection of PCOs, andthe source and target fiscal year. Via indicator Add Only ExistingAccount Assignment, you can define that assignments are only made foraccount assignments that exist in the target fiscal year. This meansthat each individual account assignment element is checked; there is nocheck on the overall account assignment (based on the budget structure).If you do not select the field, the entry is also transferred if theaccount assignment (still) exists.
You can also determine if the program should have a test run first.

The program issues a log which shows the account assignments that couldbe copied and which could not.
Account assignments which could not be copied, such as the correspondingmaster data which no longer exist in the new fiscal year, are marked asred (when the indicator Add Only Existing Account Assignment).
The error message displays only the first non-existant accountassignment element in the error message so it is easier to read.

573130Patch 10 des IS-PS Release 4.62: Übersicht Entwicklungen