Programme SAP RFFMAV03X - Budget Deficits with Expenditures

Displaying Budget Deficits for Expenditures in the Annual Budget

This program generates a list sorted alphanumerically containing allexpenditures FM account assignments that have a budget deficit in theannual budget.
The budget deficit is calculated by comparing the distributed anddistributable budget. If the distributed value is greater than thedistributable budget, the difference is displayed as a budget deficit.
Such budget deficits may result from

  • Allocations in CO that are not properly integrated in Funds Management

  • The distribution procedure for revenues increasing the budget
  • Features
    For detailed documentation on displaying budget deficits, see theFunds Management Government documentation under AdditionalFunctions -> Cover Eligibility -> Revenues Increasing the Budget:Distribution Procedure -> Displaying Budget Deficits.