Programme SAP RFFDZZ00 - Summary Record Update (Special Cases Only)

This program may only be used in special situations; that is, when datadiscrepancies exist in the cash management tables (FDES <=> FDSB, FDSR;FDZA <=> FDSB, FDSR; FDM1, FDM2, FDS1, FDS2 <=> FDSR); FDT1, FDW1, FDD1<=> FDSB, FDSR; FDLF <=> FDSR; FDI1 <=> FDSR; FDMV <=> FDSR).
(As of R/3 Enterprise Extension Set 2.00, FDW1 is replaced by FDC1.)
The program updates the planning memo records (table FDES) in thesummary record tables (FDSB for G/L accounts or FDSR forcustomers/vendors). It also updates the payment requests (FDZA -> FDSB,FDSR), MM line items (FDM1, FDM2 -> FDSR) and SD line items (FDS1, FDS2-> FDSR), Treasury line items (FDT1, FDW1, FDD1 -> FDSB in update to G/Laccount or FDSR in update to customer/business partner), agency business(FDLF -> FDSR), real estate line items (FDI1 -> FDSR), earmarked fundsline items (FDMV -> FDSR).
This update normally occurs at the same time as the memo records(payment advices, planned items) or line items are created, changed, ordeleted, so that the amounts in the summary record tables always matchthe totaled amounts from the memo records or line items.
When data discrepancies exist, however, it might be necessary to deletethe corresponding levels from the summary record tables and create theamounts again using this program.
If, for example, you find out during a data comparison that planninglevel AB in the summary record table for company code 0001 does notmatch the payment advices, delete the corresponding summary records inthe summary record table first, and then reorganize the table.
The minor program you create for the deletion process in the aboveexample must contain the following statements:
Delete this minor program afterwards to prevent summary records frombeing deleted by mistake.

65309Cash Managemt/Forcst: procedure after data inconsistencies
16572Deleting totals records/memo records in Cash Mgmt