Programme SAP RFFDZA00 - Generate Payment Requests from Cash Management Advices

You can use this program to convert payment advices into paymentrequests.
The prerequisite is that there must be a pair of payment advices, whereone is a mirror image of the other. That is, the payment advicesreflect transfers between two bank accounts. One advice records thecash disbursement and the other the cash receipt in Cash Management.You produce advices of this type in account concentration (FF73). FromRelease 3.0D, you can also use FF63, with its new "Save accountcarry-forward" function.
The switches "Test run" and "Error output in test run" are availablefor test purposes. The second of these is useful if the conversion ofpayment advices into payment request does not work. If you use it inconjunction with the first switch, the program terminates at the firsterror it finds, and outputs the relevant error message.
If you set only the first switch of if you carry out a production run,the occurrence of an error leads to the payment advice being rejectedfor conversion into a payment request. These advices are listedseparately at the end of the list, but there is no information on whythe conversion did not work. You only get this if you activate thesecond switch.