Programme SAP RFFDTR00 - Cash Management Layout Report for Treasury

The report sets up Cash Management and Forecast in the foreignexchange, money market, derivatives, and securities area (the plannedmovements in securities are set up by program RFFDWP00).
Before you run the report, you must make sure that no data to be set upby this report is already available in the database (table FDT1, FDSBand FDSR - see below for further information), otherwise the reportwill be terminated.
Unlike the setup programs for planned movements in securities, youcannot carry out a test run before the productive run using thisprogram (since the function modules used have different update logic).
If termination does not occur as a result of an error, a log created bythe report is displayed. Errors can also be listed in this log:
We recommend you proceed as follows:
Check whether the prerequisites for the update in Cash Management andForecast are fulfilled:
The allocation of planning levels has to be maintained for FinancialAssets Management (views V_T036V and V_T036W)
You have to select the field " CMF" in the appropriate flowtypes.
If the update is made in the bank account in Cash Management andForecast, a planning level has to be maintained for this account in theG/L account master record. Here, this level only determines whetherCash Management and Forecast should be updated or not. The level usedfor the update is specified by the allocation table mentioned above(view V_T036V and V_T036W).
If the update is made in Cash Management and Forecast via the businesspartner, a customer has to be allocated to this business partner and aplanning group has to be maintained in the customer master record.

  • An error message does not appear if one of these prerequisites is not
  • fulfilled. The record is simply ignored during the update.
    Delete the data which should be set up again from the Cash Managementand Forecast tables FDT1, FDSB and FDSR.
    Table FDT1 can be completely deleted if you run the report withoutmaking any selection options.
    In FDSB (bank account totals record table) and FDSR (customer andvendor totals record table), you may only delete the records which willsubsequently be set up again and not the records which result from FI,MM or SD postings, payment advices or memo records. Via the cashposition and the liquidity forecast, you can determine on what levelthe update for foreign exchange, money market and derivatives has takenplace and then delete these records. In order to do this you have towrite a small program which contains for example, the instructionDELETE FROM FDSB WHERE BUKRS = '0001' AND EBENE = 'TS' (see Note156239).
    When you call up the cash position/liquidity forecast, you enter agroup which contains all levels and all relevant accounts or planninggroups.
    (If you use the same levels for securities transactions and plannedsecurities movements, you cannot restrict deletion of tables FDSB andFDSR to securities transactions only - you delete the records for theplanned movements too. In this event, it is best if you also deletetable FDW1 in full and then access program RFFDWP00 again.)
    Start the program (in the background, if you have large amounts ofdata).
    Check the job log to see if the program was terminated.
    Check the spool log for possible errors.
    Check whether updates were terminated.
    If errors occurred, you have to delete the records which have alreadybeen updated from Cash Management and Forecast and then repeat the run.
    If no errors occurred during the run, you can check whether the datawas transferred to Cash Management and Forecast by viewing the cashposition and the liquidity forecast.

65309Cash Managemt/Forcst: procedure after data inconsistencies
661438GDD: Reversed interest rate flows and cash management
187562ABS: Setup report faulty/ missing in Customizing