Programme SAP RFFDSK00 - Cash Management:Create/Change Totals Record Manually (only exceptions)

Cash Management: Create/change totals record manually (only forexceptional cases)

This report enables you to create and change totals records inCash Management (Database tables FDSB and FDSR).
Warning !!!
The use of this report can easily lead to database inconsistencies asthe amount on the manually changed totals record is no longer suitablefor the relevant memo records/line items.
If there are incorrect amounts in the cash management, it is safer topartially or fully reconstruct the cash management instead of usingthis report, since during the reconstruction, data consistency betweenmemo records/line items and the relevant totals record, is ensured.
To use this report you need to know the correct amounts for the totalsrecord and this is generally not the case. Therefore this report shouldonly be used in exceptional cases.
