Programme SAP RFFDLF00 - Copy agency business to Cash Management

You can use this report program to set up agency business in CashManagement (liquidity forecast).
The program only processes documents not yet passed on to FI.
There is switch you can use to stipulate whether this is a productionrun or a test run. Before production runs, make sure that none of thedata to be set up by this program already exists in the database (tableFDLF, FDSR - for more details, see below) as this will cause an abort.
Conduct a test run first and correct any errors it finds beforeconducting the production run. The test run does not update any data.
You can apply a number of constraints. In the case of the company codeand business area, the system checks whether you are authorized tocreate records in Cash Management.
If the program runs with aborting due to an error, it generates a logwhich can itself contain details of errors.
We recommend you adopt the following procedure:
Check that the prerequisites for recording data in Cash Management havebeen met.
Cash Management must be active in this company code (view V_001_I)
You must have entered an cash management level assignment for agencybusiness (internal short ID 201 in view V_T036o)
You must have define a cash management group in the master records foragency business debtors and creditors.

  • If any of these conditions is not met, no error message appears but the
  • update ignores that record.
    Start the program as a test run; if there is a lot of data to process,use batch processing.
    Check the job to see whether an abort has occurred.
    Check the spool log for errors.
    Correct any errors and repeat the run.
    Delete the data to be reconstructed from the cash management tables FDLFand FDSR. FDLF can be deleted in full if you then run the programwithout any constraints. However, in FDSR, you may only delete therecords which you will then reconstruct, but not records resulting fromFI postings, plan items, MM postings, or SD postings. Delete using SAPnote 156239.
    Start a production run of the program, in batch if possible.
    Check the job log and spool log.
    In the event of errors, use the liquidity forecast to check whether datahas already been updated to cash management. If it has, delete it, thenrun the program again.
    When the program has run without errors, use the liquidity forecast toverify that the data has arrived in cash management.

65309Cash Managemt/Forcst: procedure after data inconsistencies
187562ABS: Setup report faulty/ missing in Customizing