Programme SAP RFFDIS72 - Deposit and Loan Management Interest Accruals

This program is used to accrue interest from deposits or loans enteredas payment advices, displaying only the payment advices that are notarchived and that are not interest advices (compare statisticsindicator). Because you are accruing, you select only those paymentadvices within the accrual period. Days for the maturity term arecalculated from the beginning date of the payment advice. If thebeginning date is before the "From period", the days are calculatedfrom the first day on which the accrual begins to the planning date. Ifthe planning date is after the "To period", the days are calculated onthe first day of the year or month after the accrual ends.
You can sort by settlement accounts or by asset accounts. Sorting bysettlement accounts occurs by default.
The program calculates and displays the maturity term and the expectedinterest for the payment advices. The program does not take leap yearinto consideration when calculating days to maturity, and does notcalculate withholding tax for the interest amount.
If during selection you enter a key date to calculate foreign currency,payment advices in foreign currency are translated into the localcurrency at the key date. In addition to the translated amounts, theprogram displays any exchange rate losses or gains that result from thetranslation in the payment advice.
The program carries out totaling seperated by currency using theplanning level, account, business area and company code. At the end ofa company code, the program outputs an account overview listing theindividual account totals of the company code.

Display Mode
You can access the report in individual display mode (advice display)or totals display mode.
Payment advices you select are displayed in the individual displaymode. Here you can carry out editing functions. Totals are displayed atthe end of a company code (representing the totals display). You canbranch from the individual display mode to the totals display mode.
Only the totals of the company code are displayed in the totals displaymode. Individual payment advices are no longer displayed.
The following totals are listed:
- sum total in the company code per currency
- account totals
- business area totals
You can branch from the totals display mode to the individual displaymode.

The program offers the following functions:
1. Displaying payment advice data
2. Analyzing accounts
3. Accruing interest

Displaying Payment Advice Data
You can display detailed payment advice data by clicking the displayfunction or double-clicking the payment advice.

Analyzing Accounts
In accounts analysis, payment advices are displayed in condensed format the planning level. The average interest rate and average maturitydays are also calculated. When determining the averages, the programcarries out a weighting based on the investment amount.
Since interest rate averaging is carried out at the planning level, youshould separate cash invested and cash borrowed into different planninglevels in order to ensure that a meaningful average is produced.

Accruing Interest
The "Accrue Interest" function enables you to post accrued interest forthe payment advices you select to the accrual accounts. The programdetermines the accrual accounts by using account determination in FI,depending on whether the accruals are for interest revenue or interestexpense.
If you do not enter a period for the accrual postings, the programposts in the current posting period.
You must enter a reverse date so that the reverse posting can be madeat this date. Posting to the prior period is required since the systemposts the entire amount of interest at the end of the deposit or loanand does not include interest that is already accrued. If you do notenter a period for the reversing, the program uses the current postingperiod.

Filling the Posting Date and Value Date
If you specify the posting date, the program enters it as the postingdate in the documents; otherwise the planning date is entered as theposting date. When posting to reverse the accrual, the program fillsthe posting date with the reverse date you enter.
If the value date (by foreign currency) is already specified, theprogram uses it for the value date and the translation date withforeign currencies; otherwise these dates are filled with the planningdate as well. The value date for reversing accruals is filled the sameway.

The program does not know whether you have accrued interest severaltimes. Therefore, the system cannot prevent repetitive posting.
During posting the program does not post the displayed foreign currencylosses or gains.
Note that in account determination the system does not replace thedeposit/loan account (Offsetting account field in the advice), butreplaces only the settlement accounts.