Programme SAP RFFDIS50_PDF - Bank Correspondence

This report generates form printouts (letters of confirmation) forpayment advice notes created by means of cash concentration. The bankaddresses are taken and printed from the general bank directory via themaster record and house bank directory. However if an extended addresshas been maintained for the issuing bank, this address is used in theletter. Accrual/deferral in particular is carried out using the planningtype. You should therefore create a separate planning type for cashconcentration.
However, it is also possible to print letters of confirmation forpayment advice notes that were generated using single record entry.
The SAPscript form is used for the printout. If you do not enter a formin the selection screen, the form created per company code is used. Thetransfer structure is table FDIS50_TAB.

Using parameter
"Print out form"
you can choose to have the printout appear on the screen (no entry) orsent to a printer (X) which is specified in a subsequent screen.

An example of a form is F_FDIS_BC_AVIS.