Programme SAP RFEWUC1F - FI Analysis Phase <-> Open Item Total/Ledger (Analysis)

The program checks the balance carried forward in the respectivecustomer, vendor and G/L account ledgers within the local currencychangeover by using the total of the open items which were still openat the key date (last day of the last fiscal year). These items aretotaled using program RFEWUS1P.
If differences occur before conversion between the total of the openitems and the balance carried forward for the corresponding account,these differences are stored under the corresponding type in tableEWUFI_BAL in the ANALYZE phase.
The program writes data in the table for three different types.
DD: Customer open items - customer transaction figures
KK: Vendor open items - vendor transaction figures
SS: G/L account open items - G/L account transaction figures
No differences are allowed to occur before conversion. If there aredifferences in the dataset before conversion, the program terminateswith status ERR.

Only accounts managed on an open item basis are considered in the caseof G/L accounts.
The program runs within the local currency changeover before thecentral changeover and is used for general reconciliation in FinancialAccounting. You are only allowed to start it after program RFEWUS1P.The program is used for analyzing the dataset before conversion.

The log is stored in log management and displays any errors which mayhave occurred.
If differences occur for an account, these are logged in tableEWUFI_BAL. You can display these using program RFEWSBAL. Use the activepackage, the ANALYZE phase and the types DD, KK and SS as the selectionparameters.
When analyzing differences you should above all check the balancecarried forward for the corresponding accounts and possibly for allfiscal years.

402917Balance carryforward is not correct
366892List of postings according to KOART
302614FIDCC1 and FIDCC2 may not be reconciled.
330233RFEWUC1F:Error MQ523
158254MQ519 in RFEWUC1F (open item managmnt + archiving)
392475RFEWUS1P terminates with MQ306
130135MQ519 in RFEWUC1F(master rec.chge G/L account; OI)
317478RFEWUC1F: Termination due to lack of space
361593MQ519 in RFEWUC1O due to change in master record
159927RFEWUC1O:MQ519 due to change G/L acct -> reconcl.acct
164481Checks in run up to archiving prior to euro change