Programme SAP RFEWUC0F - FI Reconciliation Phase <-> Open Item Total/Ledger (Adjustment)

The program adjusts the balance carried forward in the respectivecustomer, vendor and G/L account ledgers within the local currencychangeover by using the total of the open items which were still openat the key date (last day of the last fiscal year). These items aretotaled using program RFEWUS0P.
Posted differences are stored in table EWUFI_BAL under thecorresponding type and the POST phase.
The program writes data in the table for three different types.
DD: Customer open items - customer transaction figures
KK: Vendor open items - vendor transaction figures
SS: G/L account open items - G/L account transaction figures

Only accounts managed on an open item basis are considered in the caseof G/L accounts.
The program runs within the local currency changeover after the centralchangeover and is used for general reconciliation in FinancialAccounting. You are only allowed to start it after program RFEWUS0P.

The log is stored in log management and displays any errors which mayhave occurred. Posted differences are logged in table EWUFI_BAL.
You can display these using program RFEWSBAL. Use the active packageand the POST phase as the selection parameters.

323208Analysis table EWUFI_CDOC
317478RFEWUC1F: Termination due to lack of space
367147Lrge differences in phase POST fr bal carried frwrd