Programme SAP RFEWSDOC - FI Analysis Program <-> Display Critical Documents

You can use this program to list the contents of table EWUFI_CDOC.
This table is used to store problematic documents when translatingdocuments within the local currency changeover. Entries are generatedin this table if a document has already been posted in documentcurrency EUR and a value different to the one in document currency iscalculated when translating the old local currency into euro.
Entries are also generated in the table if a new item had to begenerated in a document due to necessary balancing but the maximumnumber of line items would be exceeded as a result of this. This meansthat an existing item has to be changed during document conversion.This item is saved with the amounts before and after adjustment.

The program lists the contents of table EWUFI_CDOC. When you start theprogram, the amounts for the first local currency are displayed. Youcan also display other local currencies and the update currency for theG/L account. It is also possible to branch to the document display.