Programme SAP RFESR000 - Processing of Incoming Data from OSR or Post and Bank ISR

You use the batch input report RFESR000 to enter customer paymentreceipts, customer down payments (special G/L transactions, not partialpayments), and OSR outgoing check payments delivered in a data medium bythe post office (VESR) or bank (BESR) according to the Swiss ISR/OSRprocedure. A batch input session is created from the data read, and thisis then used to clear open items or create appropriate bank postings inthe SAP system.
In the ISR procedure, the report supports data with a nine characterparticipant number and a five character participant number. It alsocovers the functions of RFVIESR0 for Real Estate.

Customizing for the ISR procedure:
In the settings menu for accounting, you have to maintain the incomingpayments account, and in the leading company code a payment clearingaccount, for creating the batch input session. You have to do this foreach ISR participant of the company code, for bank ISR also the customerID number (this field must remain empty for the post office ISR). Othersettings are the document type, document offset in the reference number,document length, offset customer number in the reference number, and thelength of the customer number. Proceed
Customizing for the OSR procedure:
As for the ISR procedure, you have to specify the G/L account belongingto your account at the Postfinance in the field 'Incoming PaymentAccount' for each participant in the company code. You also have todefine an additional account for failed checks in the field 'PaymentClearing Account'. You do not enter the customer identification number.No further specifications are necessary.

Selection Screen
General required entries:,,
Selection of OSR/ISR procedure
Name of file to be read
Checkbox, to read files from the local server. If this checkbox is notselected, the input data is read from the UNIX server.
Name of the batch input session to be created
Posting key for the postings to be made to the G/L accounts
OSR required entries:
Company code
House bank
Payment method
General entries for OSR/ISR processing
Posting date of batch input session
A checkbox to receive batch input sessions already run
A checkbox to carry out a test run without creating a batch inputsession

The report issues a log of the items read for each participant. Fromthis information, you can see which postings were created in the batchinput session.
The following is displayed for each file item read:
In the case of an incoming payment assignment, the company code. If anincoming payment cannot be assigned, the report carries out a posting tothe clearing account of the leading company code and the company codefield is blank.
The number of the document to be cleared, the number of the customer(ISR) or check (OSR) that can be assigned to the document. (Bydoubleclicking, you can go directly to the document. For an OSR check,by doubleclicking you can go directly to check management. If thedocument number field is empty, the relevant document could not befound.)
If several documents were found for down payments (XBLNR), so thatunique clearing is not possible, the entry in the field is 'multiple'.
The status of the posting. If the document for clearing was found, theposting has the status 'cleared'; otherwise the status is 'posted'.
Document date of posting
The type of posting ('credit memo' (ISR), 'debit memo' (OSR), 'reversal'and 'adjustment') according to the guidelines of the Swiss Postfinance
The posting amount
The posting currency

Additional Specifications
BANK ISR Procedure (BESR):
In the bank ISR procedure, company codes to be processed are determinedusing the customer identification and participant number.
Dependent on the selected search procedure:
SAP Standard
An open item is ONLY to be cleared if the document number,customer number, and amount agree. If separate document number rangeswith the same number intervals have been assigned to the company codesto be processed, the customer number helps to identify the documentuniquely. This applies to customer incoming payments, down payments, andReal Estate payments.
Non-SAP Standard
An open item is ONLY to be cleared if the ISR referencenumber is delivered via the accounting interface, is unique, and theamount agrees with the open item. This applies to customer incomingpayments, down payments, and Real Estate payments.
POST ISR Procedure (VESR):
In the Post ISR procedure, the company codes to be processed aredetermined using the customer participant number. A document is ONLY
to be Cleared if the document number, customer number, andamount agree. If separate document number ranges with the same numberranges have been assigned to the company codes to be processed, thecustomer number helps to identify the document uniquely. This applies tocustomer incoming payments, down payments, and Real Estate payments.