Programme SAP RFEKA100 - Import DTAUS Format into Bank Data Buffer

You can use program RFEKA100 to process bank statement data in DTAUSformat for disks (not for tapes).
Since the DTAUS format only contains a small part of the data for thefinancial transactions that take place in a bank account, the systemmust check whether the MultiCash format can be used. The MultiCashformat contains all the information on a bank statement.
The DTAUS format should therefore only be used in those rare cases wherean SAP user's house bank is unable to import all the 'note to payee'fields (max. 14) with MultiCash via the bank statement.
However, if you want to use the DTAUS format anyway, you must note thefollowing:

  • The DTAUS format only contains the bank statement information that
  • arrived at your house bank electronically (i.e. not in document form)
    • A DTAUS file contains either only credit memos or only debit memos.

    • When you use the DTAUS format, no header information from the bank
    • statement is imported. There are no fields for the statement number,statement date, beginning balance, ending balance or currency.
      Therefore, the fields in the bank data buffer (BDB) are filled asfollowing:
      Statement date = disk creation date
      Statement date = MMDDZ
      (where M = month und D = disk creation date; Z = 1 for credit memos,
      Z = 2 for debit memos)
      Beginning balance = 0
      Ending balance = 0
      Currency = 'DEM'
      • You must ensure that your system is configured so that the financial
      • transactions that were not imported in the DTAUS format are posted; ifthey are not, the balance of the G/L bank account will not agree withthe balance of the actual bank account.
        You can do this in one of three ways:
        Use the DTAUS format in conjunction with the MultiCash format
        With this method only the postings for posting area 2 (subledgeraccounts) are created with the DTAUS format.
        The postings for posting area 1 (bank postings) are created with theMultiCash format.
        Another feature of this method is that usually all the credit or debitmemos imported via DTAUS are credited to or debited from a bank accountas a block. Therefore the MultiCash format only ever shows a singlecredit and/or debit memo for each imported DTAUS file.
        Use the DTAUS format in conjunction with the transaction for manual bankstatements.
        With this method you should proceed as with the method described above.
        Use the DTAUS format in conjunction with manual postings (employing thestandard SAP transactions).
        With this method you should also proceed as with the method describedabove.

1669036DTAUS: Conversion error for server upload
922992DTAUS: Short dump during import of workstation