Programme SAP RFEBKA91 - Insert Currency Key in FEBKO-ABSND

The report requires that you enter a bank key and bank account number.Use this report only for accounts which do not have an alternativeaccount number maintained in the master record.
The report searches in the bank data storage for all entries with acorresponding ABSND field WITHOUT a currency key. It then checks if itis possible to insert the currency for all entries found without havingto generate double entries in bank data storage. If this is the case,all entries are updated in bank data storage (tables FEBKO and FEBVW).
If there is a currency change (for example from DEM to EUR), a singleaccount will have two currencies and this causes the report toterminate. In this case, you will need to explicitly enter the currencyfor which bank data storage should be updated (for example, EUR) in thethird selection field.