Programme SAP RFEBJP00 - Import Bank Statement: ZENGINKYO (Japan)

Program RFEBJP00 imports bank statements into the SAP system,and thengenerates batch input sessions for posting in G/L and subledgeraccounting.
There are two types of bank statements for ZENGINKYOU:

  • general account transaction information (Nyuu-Shukkin Torihiki Meisai)

  • credit memo transfer information (Furikomi Nyuukin Tsuchi)

  • Prerequisite is that the data to be imported has already been convertedto the R/3 code page used.
    By stating parameters, you can specify whether both sessions aregenerated in one run or whether only the session for G/L accounting isgenerated first. The batch input session names are generated by theprogram, in which case you can choose from two rules:
    • house bank ID and account ID (e.g. DREBA-GIRO)

    • house bank ID and bank statement number (e.g. DREBA-00115)

    • The session name for subledger accounting always begins with /.

      Interpretation of the Note-to-Payee Fields
      Japanese bank statements usually contain neither a document number nor areference number. In the standard SAP system, you can include thefollowing items in the note to payee:
      the bank and branch name of the payer
      Gaiyou ran, the user-defined information field for the bank
      When the statement contains incoming payments, you can, by specifyingthe selection field (BELNR oder XBLNR), have the system search the noteto payee lines for either document numbers or reference documentnumbers. Therefore, you can obtain the information you need to clearcustomer payments.
      If you do not specify a selection field, the note to payee fields arenot read by the system.
      You can narrow the search for document numbers or reference documentnumbers by specifying a certain length for the selection field and thenumber range that belongs to it. This method (which also has the effectof speeding up the processing time) works as follows: values that areoutside the specified length and specified number range are consideredinvalid by the program and consequently not used as clearinginformation.
      If you want the note to payee fields to be interpreted in a special way(for example, if you are an insurance company), you can program anindividual "user exit".

      The program checks whether the business transaction codes (externaltransactions) used by the bank were allocated to an internal transactionwithin the system configuration. This is necessary because the systemposts to the G/L and subledger accounts by using the posting rulesstored under an internal transaction.
      For external transactions, the system uses the japanese ZNGINKYOU code.
      If the program finds an external transaction not maintained in thecorresponding table, it terminates after fully importing the bankstatement, and outputs a list with the missing entries (error log).

      You must maintain these missing entries so that the system can generatethe posting transactions in the appropriate sessions. You then mustrestart the program, making sure you do not select the "import data"
      field this time, since the bank statement is already in the SAPSystem.
      When the program is restarted, it searches the buffer for all line itemsnot yet indicated as posted in the respective posting area. A line itemis regarded as posted only if a posting is put into a session.

      The posting log provides information, separated according to postingarea, on all postings put into the batch input session. The output alsolists the external business transaction codes and the internaltransactions which control posting.
      The processing statistics show you

      • how many postings

      • were created per session
        could not be created due to an error
        • for how many line items postings could not be created for each
        • definition.
          Program RFEKAPJ0 prints the bank statements.

1103066ZENGINKYOU: Note 758870 for files with line breaks only
106121Electronic bank statement formats