Programme SAP RFEBCK10 - Cashed Checks

Program RFEBCK00 imports the cashed checks data supplied by the bank.
The program can process both prenumbered checks and FI checks (checksthat have a document number allocated by the system as the checknumber).
When you set the indicator "Prenumbered checks" you determine the typeof checks requiring processing.
In the case of prenumbered checks the report differentiates betweenpayroll checks and other checks.
Payroll Checks
All payroll checks, identified as such by the system by means of thecheck number included in the file, and which are neither voided noralready cashed, are flagged as "Paid".
When checks are already cashed or voided, the system issues a message tothat effect.
The system groups the payroll checks from the check register accordingto the following criteria:

  • Identifier

  • Date of execution

  • Business area

  • Currency

  • The checks grouped according to the above criteria are listed with theircheck numbers.
    If the flag "Post payroll checks" is set, the amounts in each group canbe combined to form one posting total for posting on account.
    If the posting is successful, the document number of the posting issaved in the check register for each check in the compressed posting.Thus, it is possible to determine which checks were posted together asone document.
    You enter the date of execution and the identifier in the "Assignmentnumber" field of the document line items.
    If the flag "Post payroll checks" is not set, no posting takes place. Inthis case, in addition to the total amount and the currency, the totalsposting is displayed in the list. The posting has to be carried outmanually.
    You always have to set the flag "Post immediately" if payroll checks areto be posted.
    Other Checks
    The program RFEBCK00 creates clearing entries (outgoing checks accountto bank account) for these checks. In addition it marks the successfullyposted checks as "Paid" in the check register.
    The clearing entries can either be placed in a batch input session(batch input mode) or can be posted immediately (call transaction mode).
    General Information
    An initial report is required due to the fact that no standard existsfor check cashing data in the USA and most other countries. Thisconverts the bank format into the incoming format of this program. Theincoming format of this report consists of two record types: Headerrecords (CHECK_HEAD) and single records (CHECK_REC).
    • A header record (CHECK_HEAD) is required for each bank account from
    • which checks are debited. The bank key (bank number) and the bankaccount are stored in this type of record. This information is used toread the house bank table for the purpose of determining the companycode and the general ledger account for the bank.
      • One single record is required for each check (CHECK_REC).

      • The structures CHECK_HEAD and CHECK_REC are defined in the R/3Repository (ABAP Dictionary).
        Batch input mode:
        If there are no errors, the program creates a batch input session, thename of which ends in "-OK". If there are errors, two sessions arecreated, one for error-free posting records, and one containing errors.The session with posting records containing errors is created if theamount in the bank check file does not agree with the amount in thepayment document in the system. The name of the session containingerrors always ends in "-ERR".
        The following scenarios might occur:
        • Scenario: Document found (PAYR and BKPF); Document not yet cleared;
        • Amounts agree.
          Result: Update in PAYR; FB05 posting record in error-free folder.
          • Scenario: Document found (PAYR und BKPF); Document not yet cleared;
          • Amounts do not agree.
            Result: No update in PAYR; FB05 posting record in folder containingerrors; Message in processing log.
            In this case the check has to be flagged as "Paid" in table PAYR aftersuccessful processing of the batch input session with transaction"FCH6".
            • Scenario: Document found (PAYR and BKPF); Check already paid according
            • to PAYR.
              Result: No update in PAYR; no batch input; Message in processing log.
              • Scenario: Document found (PAYR and BKPF); According to PAYR check not
              • paid; Document already cleared in BSEG.
                Result: Update in PAYR; no batch input; Message in processing log.
                Call transaction mode:
                This mode behaves in the same way as the batch input mode. Thedifference is that all error-free postings are carried out straightaway. Postings containing errors are stored in a batch input session.The name of the session is made up of the report parameters and "-ERR",for error.


                • Before you use the program for the first time, a short program must be
                • written to convert the record structure of the bank data into thestructure of this program. The system expects a row by row structure ofthe input file. This means that the data records have to be separated bythe paragraph separator <(><<)>CR><(><<)>LF> (=Carriage Return, LineFeed).
                  • The file can be imported from the UNIX file system or from a diskette.
                  • If it is imported from a diskette the disk drive name has to be enteredbefore the import takes place (for example A:CHECK.TXT). In addition,the relevant field must be marked in the initial screen.
                    • In the configuration menu for Financial Accounting, the bank where the
                    • checks are paid has to be maintained in the house bank table. Thegeneral ledger account has to be entered.
                      INCLUDE FUNKTION_AUSFÜHREN
                      IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN'
                      • You need to determine the clearing account from which payroll checks are
                      • posted as a total. You do this in bank selection in Customizing for thepayment program.
                        You have to maintain a relevant G/L account as a bank subaccount for thecompany code, the house bank, the house bank account, the currency, andthe payment method used.
                        INCLUDE FUNKTION_AUSFÜHREN
                        IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN'

                        The following is displayed:

                        • Log of imported data records

                        • Processing log (short or in detail)

                        • Posting log